One + A/N

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A/N - real quick before this story starts. I wanna say thank you to everyone who came here from Broken. Please read Broken, you'll be completely lost. Hope you guys enjoy ❤

My eyes fluttered open, my body sore and my throat dry. I looked around to see I wasn't in me and Colby's room. I panicked and sat up. It looked as if I was in the hospital. I pushed the button for a nurse come. Sure enough, my room filled with people and it was all overwhelming.

"How are you feeling?" One of the nurses asked me. "Confused. Why am I here again?" I asked. I couldn't remember anything. "Sweetheart, you've been in a coma for over one year." She looked at me sadly. I assume my face went pale because everyone looked at me funny. "Where's Colby?" I asked wanting to see him. "He's outside, I'll get him for you." She said as she grabbed a clipboard and left the room. I was now alone, waiting for Colby to walk in. The door opened abruptly and my head turned to it seeing Colby, standing there with teary eyes. My breath seemed short as he raced to my side. "Aria," He cried out as he got to me. "I thought I would never see you again." He embraced me in his strong arms. 

My arms wrapped around his neck as I sat myself up. "What happened?" I asked. He pulled away and cupped my face in his hands. "You were knocked out, we assume raped, I don't know, everything has been a huge blur, this whole year has been a blur. Devyn and Corey found you laying in the kitchen." He explained to me. "Where's Ivy?" I asked, not ready for the response he would give me. He looked at me confused. "Who?" He asked confused. "Our daughter," I gave him a questionable look. I looked down to my hand, only to find that there was no ring. Okay, what the hell.

"Was it all a dream?" I asked, looking  into the piercing blue eyes I fell in love with. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Fourth of July? You proposing to me? Me getting pregnant and having Ivy?" I asked. He just gave me a more confused look. "No, I had flown back from australia, Corey called me saying there was a break in and you were knocked out. God I swear they said you might not wake up." He gave me a hurt but relieved look. "What, I-I'm confused." I shook my head, raising my hand to touch my head, as I could feel it hurt. "Aria, you've been in a medically induced coma since you got back from Dubai. None of those things happened." He said slowly, rubbing up and down my arm. "A-a dog, you bought me a dog for our three month anniversary. You got a promise ring, I remember. You proposed to me on the fourth of July." I said, remembering as much as I could. He shook his head slowly. "I'm sorry, but none of that happened." He said softly. I covered my mouth with my hand, more confused than I ever was. \

"M-my dad? Brother, is he alive?" I asked, my voice cracking. "You're mom and dad came, they brought cameron. You're brother, he is dead." He gave me a sad look. I let out a strangled sob. "C-can I see them?" I asked. He nodded, rubbing my hand up and down, then left. 

While he was gone I had time to think. What the hell, was that some sort of fucked up trick my mind played on me? God, I don't know what's real or what's not. 

The door opened, and my mom walked in, followed by my very alive looking father. Cameron was perched on mom's hip. "Daddy." I cried out, pulling him into the tightest hug. Tears ran down my face. I never thought I'd see him again. "My baby girl." He said, rocking us in the place. 

I pulled away and he wiped my tears. "This is so crazy." I laughed through the tears. "I know. But you're here, I'm here. You're mother, Cameron, Colby. We're all here." He smiled.

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