I looked down on every kid on the floor. Remembering, that we used to be them. I look at them and gulp "Ummm the first cadet is.... Alissa Cartnger" I shout.

I hover my eyes all over the place to pick up any movement to coming toward us. At the end of the line I see a girl walking toward the stage at me "Sir!" She gives a salute

She stammers "I-I mean ma'am!" She shakes as she salutes me. I bend down to the stand and sit down on the edge "Don't worry, Kusaki will be the best name to call me" I smile

I look up at Levi and smile "Can you call the rest?" I say with a smile. Levi rolls his eyes and look up "Jerak Leanmine" he says a little loud.

Fortunately, he heard him. The first guy in front of the line came to us "Captain Kusaki, it's an honor working with you" he salutes

I nod my head "You too..." I turn my head to Levi "I like him" I whisper to Levi. He scoffs and looks up again.

"Lealy Hesher" he says dully. I look everywhere to see when she came out but she never did "Lealy Hesher" Levi repeats

I finally see a girl come out with her black hair "Ma'am, sorry for the late appearance" she says dully "It's alright, better to be late then never" I sigh standing up.

I turn my head to Shadis "That's it" I say. Shadis nods "You may go, I'll see you around" he says. I nod and smile as I walk away "You too" I say going down the steps.

I walk put of the place and I hear the cadets follow me "Kusaki, may I say it's nice to be working with you and Levi. I've heard so much about you two. I wanna say that you guys were my inspiration to become a soldier" I hear the boys deep voice

I don't turn or stop. I just keep walking to go to our barrack. I don't say anything because I don't believe in the "inspiration" shit. I lost that years ago.

I also don't know what to say when someone says that to me. I keep going with it and I notice that he maybe didn't get the response as he thought he would.

I finally walk to our barrack and turn to him "I'm sorry, thank you for the kind words back there but I don't think that was the only reason you came to become a soldier..." I look at Levi who was pouring himself tea "I'm sure Levi is cheering inside" I say sarcastically.

I point to the hallway of the barrack "Find y'all's room, I don't care where you sleep but don't be noisy about it...." I sigh with carelessness

"We also have two rules in here..." Levi says drinking his cup "I don't want you to hit on Kusaki, she's mine...." He sips his cup "Also, clean y'all's shitty room spotless. I haven't been able to clean it and if I see a speck.... I'll make you run the rest of the day" he says dully.

"Thanks for scaring them" I smile. He closed his eyes "No problem" he drinks, in the corner of the cup I see a smirk.

They all quietly walk away and go to there room. Wondering why the two girls have not spoken at all.

Do they hate me? Hopefully not. That's ok... That's how things started between me and Isabelle.

"Why do you always say that?" I ask Levi, sitting down drinking my tea from before "because..." Levi simply says

I roll my eyes and sigh "This is going to be a long year" I say


After two hours of waiting, they finally finished. I guess they didn't want any speck of shit if they had to put up with Levi.

The last one that came was Lealy. By the time, the two were talking to me respectfully but this one just kept her mouth shut. And that's totally fine....

We all sat on the table, in silence as our tea had vapor waving out of the cup "So...Why are you two the 'best soldiers'?" Lealy finally talked

I looked at her oddly for one second. In her voice she sounded interested but with a sound of jealousy. I changed my look and looked in her grey mean eyes.

"To be honest, I really don't know. I think it's the matter of training we had. We weren't....." I look at Levi to get approval of talking about our past but he didn't seem to care "We weren't trained..... We were called "thugs" apparently" I explain

"Woah! So you two used to beat up people for stuff and steal?" Alissa asked with amazement.

"I guess you can say that" I chuckle

"Well, go on" Lealy said dully

"Well, since we were so called "thugs" that came from underground, no one really like us. Some were jealous of our skill" I say looking at Lealy in the corner of my eye

"Oh" she said sipping her cup, looking a little annoyed

"That's our story, what's yours?" I ask looking at her again and the other two

"Oh, uhhhh..... Let's just say I came here for someone important" Lealy say softly. Looking at her tea "My.... Uh, older brother died in last years expedition" she said sadly

She hesitates and drinks her tea "Well, half brother. But we were really close"

"I'm sorry.... May I ask who they were?"

"It's ok, his name was Sayram"

My eyes jumped in horror. Sayram. This was Sayrams sister? No! I get a flashback of his death. Getting chomped by the titan.

I look at Levi who was looking at Lealy. His face was shocked to know that she was his sister. Now he was interested in her.

"I-I'm sorry.... B-but I knew Sayram..." My head slowly goes down "I worked in the same squad as him...."

The next thing I knew was the table flipped and I was on the floor. Everything went so fast and loud. I saw Lealy on top of me with her hands clenched, ready to punch me.

I stared at her with no emotion. I already knew what this was about. The same feeling Erwin probably had when Levi pointed the sword.

Levi quickly got the girl and picked her up. Kind of shoving her out of the way and pulling me up.

I stand up and look at her while she was getting held by Jarek "What the hell?! You knew him! You knew that he was going to die! Why didn't you take care of him!" She shouted

I looked at Levi and he didn't want to say anything because he didn't see Sayram die. I looked at her and went closer to her, calmly "I-I was there when he got taken away from the titan.... I wasn't there at time at all. I bearly got to him as he was in the titans mouth.... I couldn't do anything...... The best I did was kill that titan.... I'm sorry" I say sadly, bowing to her.

I pick my head up and look at her "I need to tell you that a lot of soldiers died in that expedition. Including my friends. So don't act like you are the only one, ok? I know the feeling of death" I say picking up the table.

I heard her start crying. I look at her and see her cleaning her face up "I-I'm sorry Captain Kusaki, I've been selfish for the past year about this situation. I swear I'll serve you good, Captain" she cried

I went up to her and held her hands "Don't worry and god dammit it's just Kusaki. Your brother would've been proud of you. I'm glad to have met you" I smile

She nods with tears going away "Now let's pick this up before Levi blows" I say looking at him who was looking at the mess as if it was the most disgusting thing he's ever seen.

As we were picking up, all I knew was that this was going to be good. I looked up, Sayram this will be good. Your sister is in well care....

Then a picture flashed of Sayram, Fagon, Isabelle, Farlan, Levi and me. A picture of good memories. All of us smiling and laughing....

Yeah..... Memories

Levi x Reader/Kusaki ||| ChosenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora