Chapter 41

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Taehyung's POV

The agonising pain blazed across my forehead and behind my heavy lids as I weakly attempted to open my eyes from their tired state. My throat was dry, making my fleeing cough feel rough and scratchy. I had no idea where nor how I got here. My vision fell in and out of focus, taking in the unfamiliar room with a dazed expression. My head was thumping, causing an odd shiver of sickness to run throughout my body. I lowered my head into a hang, not having the energy to hold it upright; I couldn't move an ounce of my body.

"Taehyung..." A soothing voice came from above, causing me to snap my eyes to meet a smiling Yoongi.

"Y-y-you," I almost surprised myself when hearing how raspy and horsed my voice sounded. I tried to moisten my throat, hoping to cease the lingering pain. My somnolent eyes seek to place all my attention on the man in front of me as he just stood there, grinning like what's happening right now is entirely normal.

"W-where am I?" The horrid tone of my voice groggily mumbles, making it sound like I've had a cold for a year. It didn't seem to bother the blue-headed devil. He doesn't speak a word but turns further into the darkened room. I couldn't see much as the small lightbulb swung above me, only giving a dim illusion of a door sitting a couple of feet away from me, which Yoongi was progressing towards.

"W-wait!" Came the tired cry, "don't-don't leave me here!" There was no energy left in me as my head would repeatedly hang before I would maintain its steadily. Yoongi didn't seem to care much for my pleading calls as he unlocked the door. He turns back to me, that sly look still bearing upon his lips. I watch his following words form.

"Wake up, Taehyung, you need to wake up."






"YOONGI!!" I sob aloud as my body thrashes forward. I don't get far as I take in my bounded torso, my arms and legs restricted from moving, tied tightly to the chair. Like in my dreams, my throat felt rough, like it was on fire. Burning fire. My head was pulsing, and all I wanted most was to throw up.

"Think again," a voice murmurs from the shadows. My weary eyes attempt to train themselves on whatever said those words. Though, I couldn't pick up on anything but utter darkness.

"W-who are you?" My voice quivers as I desperately bore into the surrounding darkness with wariness.

"I didn't think you would wake so soon." The person continues, ignoring my question as they stay within the shadows. They remained in the background, almost like they were afraid to reveal themselves.

My body struggles against the tight ropes that prohibit me from moving. My belted-down figure squirmed uncontrollably, digging my bare feet into the ground to somehow weasel my way out.

"Stop! You're going to hurt yourself!" The person moved out into the open, finally allowing the dangling bulb to reveal them.

It took me around a minute to fully take in his whole form, but the second I realised who it was, shock instantly overtook my body as my eyes bulged and my mouth fell agape.


My heart broke at the sight of him. He was someone I trusted. Someone I regularly spoke with. Someone who I cared for.

"Taehyung, don't be upset; this was always my assignment, but-"

I immediately cut him off with sheer disgust as I gawk at him with a glare of betrayal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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