Chapter 25

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                            's been a while. 😅😅

Yes, I'm semi back. Did you miss me? Because I've definitely missed all of you. As you can see this chapter is super long. (word count: 6092)

I really wanted to make it up for being gone but I needed this break from writing. I'm still taking my time and such to get back into things so updates will be messy asf but lets hope I can get back to my schedule. 😆😆

Anyway, enjoy this chapter.


Hoseok's POV

I was still pissed off from the other day, how that piece of shit could just turn up, out of the blue. It caused my blood to boil with rage. Just seeing him makes me want to puke...but I knew I needed to stay strong for Taehyung. I had to keep him protected away from the criminal for as long as I can. 'At least until I can find some form of evidence that will confirm them to the whole kidnapping.' I let out a small sigh, 'there I go again.'

For weeks now, I have been feeling this way. All I wanted is justice for not only myself but Taehyung too. Men like them should be locked away for life.

'But why am I so afraid to turn them in? Why am I scared to take the next step?' I frustratedly mess up my blonde locks before glaring into the mirror in front of me. I decided to get some late night workout on my dance routine that was due to be performed in a few weeks time. I couldn't believe how fast time flies when I'm occupied, trying to get through classes and keep a fair distance away from those creeps.

His soft lips hover over my own. Closer and closer they edge- 'Why am I thinking about that?!?' I shake my head in disgust, wanting to forget that night with Jin. How can I be so stupid to even let my guard down even for a split second in front of him.

Sighing, I face away from the mirrors and instead towards the stereo as I press play. Though, instead of bouncy tunes that would get my blood pumping excitedly, it was replaced with the eerie giggles that would play repetitively throughout that dark place.

Suddenly, everything turns black. It was as though my sight just completely vanished, leaving me blind. Panic is quick to settle in as I frantically try to feel my way around.

A flicker of light beams dimly overhead while footsteps edge closer to me. I attempt to scoot away from the sound, wanting to create a big enough distance from whoever it was making their way currently towards me.

His face. A face I can never forget, with that sadist smirk displaying itself across his lips. Blood smeared across him like he just took a bath in it. It covered most of his face, along with specks of it through his almost white hair. The sight alone would bring nightmares to anyone as he grins down at me with the leather whip equipped in his strong grasp.

"P-please! P-p-please, I-I'll b-behave!! P-p-please d-don't h-h-hurt m-m-m-me!!!" I stutter aggressively, backing away with the use of my hands as my body glides against the floor. He raises a single brow. His eyes shone with nothing but excitement, taking enjoyment in watching me suffer. "Where's the fun in that?" He calmly mumbles, staring down at his whip before back at me. "Don't you wanna play? Or are you wanting to go back to the drowning again?" He teases with a disgusting smirk laced across his face.

"P-please s-s-stop!!" I beg, hot tears streaming down my face as I frantically try to escape from the psychotic man's clutch. He leers over me with eagerness. How he enjoyed tearing me apart like a little rag doll as I begin to suffocate under his beating gaze. I curl myself up into a small ball like I always do, hoping and praying that the abuse wouldn't be that bad this time when...

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