Chapter 16

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Taehyung's POV

I sigh, placing yet another empty can into the trash bag I have clutched in my hand. After seeing the Dean, I was forced to clean up the entire main courtyard where most students go during their breaks and such.

The place was covered in rubbish, causing me to let out a frustrated groan. Not only was I stuck outside in the cold but it had started to rain, soaking my clothes which made me shiver. "Stupid Namjoon!" I hiss under my breath, using the litter picker to toss a wrapper into the black bin bag.

"I hear you talk about me even when I'm not around," a voice chuckles from behind me, causing me to huff as I turn to Namjoon. "Go away! Shouldn't you be busy drowning in all that sympathy everyone was giving you earlier!" I bark, continuing on with my work. I didn't want to give Namjoon an ounce of my time, after all, he's the reason as to why I'm currently doing this stupid punishment.

"Now, now, no need to get so pissy." Namjoon snickers as I hear the creaking sounds of his wheelchair moving. I shudder at the noise, shuffling slightly away from him more. "You know someone's been very eager lately to meet you," he confesses, causing me to slowly reach up and grab my pendent.

"I-I don't care," I admit, my top line of teeth digging into my reddened lips. "Hmm, don't tell me that." Namjoon hums, "tell that to the person himself."

My heart instantly hammers at his words as I snap my head up to look in Namjoon's direction. However, something in the distance behind him takes all of my attention away from the ravenette.

I blink multiple times, my lips slowly parting into a shocked expression. Namjoon wheels himself away, a smirk on his lips as my eyes stay trained on the man ahead of me. I gulp, feeling sick and excited all at once.



















"Y-Yoongi?" I whisper, watching how he stands there, his hood up, covering his hair while the rain pelts down against our skin. His dark orbs were completely centred on me, not breaking contact when he takes a single step forward. My heart was aggressively beating now, practically exploding inside of me as the older closes in.

A strange urge to run was growing yet my feet wouldn't move. They wouldn't budge an inch while Yoongi continues to make his way towards me. My fingers clutch the litter picker and trash bag in both of my hands more, wanting to disappear right in this moment.

Once he's close enough, I can see those dusky black eyes. "Hey Taehyung." He spoke in a hush tone, a small but faint smile takes over his lips.

I begin shaking my head, tears forming in my eyes as my lower lip quivers, "why did you come back?" I whisper, a single tear rolling down my cheek. "Why did you have to come back into my life?" I gulp harshly, swallowing the pitiful tears.

Yoongi just stood there, rain still pouring down heavily. His eyes were filled with nothing but sadness, "I'm sorry."

I purse my lips, more droplets of tears falling as I sniffle, "sorry wouldn't change anything, it wouldn't take away the pain I feel."

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