Chapter 15

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Taehyung's POV

Thankfully, class went by peacefully. I even managed to pick up on some useful techniques that I'll potentially use during my semester here.

Now however, was the very moment I was dreading most. '2 hours with Jungkook, how am I going to cope?' Each step I take, matches in beats with my heart as it hammers against my ribcage, begging for me to stop now before it gives me a heart attack. But I ignore my body's plead for help, taking the stairs two at a time to get there faster before I sprint off in the opposite direction and never come back.

My breathing becomes disorderly, frantic pants soaring from my lips as I continue up the stairs. Other students would possibly mistaken my behaviour for simply being unfit and struggling to take the stairs which in a way, I'm glad I have that as an excuse to use.

I stumble into the open hallway, few people dotted here and there as they try to reach their classrooms on time. My frail legs wobble with each step, a wave of fear taking over my body when I manage to get outside my classroom. Some students were already inside but I had yet to see Jungkook which was good in my opinion.

I take to my chair that I sat in yesterday, beginning to unpack my stationary while waiting for the lecturer to arrive. As I'm busy occupying myself, I fail to notice the ravenette I've been trying to avoid come stumbling in, looking directly at me like nothing else in world matters. I decide to just ignore him, hoping he might finally give up and look away since I'm giving him zero attention.

'Nope, it's not working.' I can practically feel his eyes boring into me from across the room.

My phone suddenly dings, letting me know I have a text message from hyung. I read that he will be meeting me after class, outside of my building. I smile to myself, sending back a quick reply. Mr Yeun soon enters, dressed in his usual shirt and tie attire as he places his stack of papers down onto his desk. "Right! Today we're going to begin working on your projects that will be assessed at the end of the first semester." He explains, placing his hands on his hips with a sigh. His eyes roam over each face in the room, "we'll begin with deciding on which form of art you would like to do first. You may choose any way you like in order to display your work." He announces, causing excitement to bubble inside of me. 'Finally! I have a chance now to show what I can do!'

Jungkook's eyes continue to linger on me but I play it off like I don't notice, that I'm not at all afraid.

But sadly, I am.

I can't help the bug crawling feeling I sense every time he stares at me. His hands seem to remain on my skin, dirtying the once pureness of my body.

A boy a few rows in front of me raises his hand, catching the attention of Mr Yeun. "Yes?" My teacher questions, giving the student a confused look. "Uhh sir? What might the theme of the project be?"

Sudden realisation crosses Mr Yeun's expression. "Oh yes, I almost forgot." He mumbles, an awkward shade of red slowly crawls up his neck. He clears his throat, "your project will be on something deep yet meaningful. I want you to draw, paint, sketch, anything of your choice something that you are afraid of. Be that a phobia or a nightmare you've had in the past, I want you to create something that links to it."

Another student across the room lifts her hand. "Could you possibly give us an example?" To which my teacher nods. I watch as he hands out sheets to the front of the class before gesturing to pass the notes back. "An example of this would be...say I suffered badly from depression. I would probably sketch out someone drowning in a sea of water." I could visually imagine what he was describing, feeling my emotions swirl at the mere thought of it. The picture itself made sense since the awful feeling of depression is like suffocating, unable to escape from the harsh reality.

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