Chapter 40

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Hoseok's POV

I hurled open the door, stomping inside to see the darkened living space in a racket of a mess. My eyes meet Namjoon's. He lowers his head, moving his eyes away from me to gawk at his lap. He sat on the couch, his wheelchair outside his bedroom door as its left tumbled over. Undoubtedly, he must have crawled his way to the sofa.

I immediately approach him, my hurried footsteps beating against the floor.

"WHERE IS HE?!" I snap, gripping his t-shirt in the balls of my fists. "WHERE THE FUCK IS HE?!? TELL ME, GOD DAMNIT!!!"

Namjoon did nothing but stare into space; it was like my screaming wasn't affecting him.

"Hoseok, calm down." A troubled voice came from the open doorway. I let go of Namjoon, turning my attention away as I bitterly laugh at Jin's attempt to tranquillise me from my current state.

"Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!? FUCK YOU, JIN! DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN!" I was seething uncontrollably; my fists curved as they embedded nail marks into my palms. My tongue captured between my teeth, and there was nothing but sheer rage on my face.

Jin steps into the room with his hands raised; he seems cautious in his actions as he comes closer.

"It's okay to be angry. It's okay that you're upset, but raising your voice and throwing your fists wouldn't get us anywhere. You need to think with a clear mind." By the time Jin finishes speaking, he's managed to reach me.

My breathing is harsh. Jin reaches out and touches my shoulder. Suddenly I fly into a blubbering frenzy.

"This is all my fault!" I cry out as the unimaginable pain comes slamming down onto my chest. I do not know where or what was happening to Taehyung. I couldn't even imagine the possibilities occurring right this second while we all lounge about like idiots.

"It's all my fault!! I should've taken him away sooner!!" I bawl as I find myself collapsing against Jin.

"What?" Jin stutters, I could feel him tense under me, but he doesn't try to push away. Instead, he envelops his arms around me, still waiting for an explanation.

"What's going on?" Jimin questions as he too enters the dorm. He takes in my howling cries as Jin strokes my blonde hair and a depressed-looking Namjoon, still hunched over on the couch as his head lies in his hands.

"Get my wheelchair and call Jungkook; he's the only one I couldn't get ahold of," Namjoon orders, lifting his head slowly as he looks into Jimin's eyes with a lifeless gaze.

My tearful eyes watch as Jimin picks up the wheelchair and wheels it over to Namjoon's side. While the older gets himself into his chair, Jimin starts his mission to get ahold of their youngest member. My chin rests on Jin's shoulder while I sniffle disorderly into the tense air.

'What the hell am I going to tell his parents if we can't find him?! I promised them I would protect him, but here I am; I failed them. I failed him.'

"Did you do what I requested you to do?" Namjoon asks Jin while he sets up his laptop. I could feel Jin nod.

"It should all be there." He says, confusing me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask as I peel myself away from Jin, acknowledging what I was doing. I'm standing here in a room alone with my ex-kidnappers. 'What the hell was I thinking?!'

"We had a suspicion for a while that both you and Taehyung might be at risk, more so Taehyung than anything else." Jin clarifies slowly, almost like he's afraid to tell me.

My legs give way as I slip back onto the sofa solemnly. I couldn't process a thing; everything was happening so fast.

"What..." I sigh through exhaustion. "What do you mean?" My eyes didn't dare glance towards their expressions, already knowing they were no doubt exchanging tensed gazes.

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