Chapter 8

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I awoke the next day with stiffness in my neck. I crank it back to see Hoseok's face, he still in the mids of sleeping so I decide not wake him up.

'He must still be tired after everything that's happened yesterday.' I felt glad that I managed to get through a night without waking up multiple times or have night terrors.

But I couldn't help but wonder how I found it so easy to sleep despite knowing those psychos are on this campus, not to mention one was only across the room.

I gulp at the thought, slowly escaping from hyung's grasp. I hum to myself silently, searching through my closet for something to wear for my first day.

'Should I go cute but simple? Or complete fashionista?'

I puff out one of my cheeks with a thinking look wiped across my face. My eyes skim over the outfits I have hung up already.

I decide to go with a causal outfit, not wanting to draw in too much attention. I opt for a simple pair of light denim, skinny jeans, a plain white tee with a red and black flannel thrown on top.

Once dressed, I carefully unlock the door ever so gently. I didn't want to wake hyung up just yet since his classes weren't till this afternoon.

I step out into the lounge area, spotting a certain someone happily sitting at the table near the kitchen area.

"Good morning kid," his slimy voice chimes like we have been friends for many years. 'How revolting.'

I ignore him, making my way rather quickly to the door next to mines. "Aww, are you ignoring me?" I could practically hear the smirk in his tone.

I close the door over before locking it, not wanting him to suddenly join me. I glance around at the bathroom, noticing that it's wheelchair accessible. It was a tad bigger than the bathrooms I had seen on the campus brochures.

I quickly do my morning business, brushing my teeth, washing my face and what not before heading back to the door to leave.

My hand hovers over the handle, a sense of panic rising in me. 'Not again,' I close my eyes, taking in a deep breath to calm my nerves. 'I'm not going to let them win.'

With that thought in mind, I unlock the door, peeling it back to reveal the main area. I peek my head out first, searching the premises for any ravenette men.


I sigh in relief, guessing he's already off to class by now. I glance down at my wristwatch that my dad gave to me for my birthday, realising that my class starts in 20 minutes.

I quickly scamper back into my room, searching for my backpack which was laying out in the opening. I snatch it up before slinging it over my shoulders.

Glancing over at hyung who was still in a deep slumber, I decide to write him a note, telling him I've gone to class.

I exit out the dorm, heaving in a deep breath once again. 'This is it! I'm finally doing it!' I repeatedly tell myself, taking my first step into my new life.

Going out alone was still rather foreign to me. I hadn't really went out much without someone else with me ever since the kidnapping.

I gulp at the thought, trying my hardest to push away any form of anxiety to the back of my head. 'This is no time to be worrying, you can do this!'

I take my first step outside.

'So far, so good.'

Another step.

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