Chapter 23

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Taehyung's POV

To say I feel a bit awkward would be an understatement. It was later into the evening when Byung-joon finally finished his shift. Outside was now dark and the ravenette boy suggested we go for a nice leisure walk around the park not far from the coffee shop.

So here I am now, with a boy I hardly know in the middle of the night. To say I'm on edge would be a complete lie, I'm completely petrified as we walk side by side in silence.

"So...did you manage to figure out yet what your gonna draw?" Byung-joon decides to strike up a conversation. I find myself slowly nodding as an answer to his question. "Hmm? What's your fear?" He asks on, coming a little closer to hear me better.

I stare down at my feet, keeping a watchful eye on them. "I would rather not say, not yet anyway."

" thinking, though I shouldn't be surprise. We aren't that close yet." Byung-joon mutters while chuckling a little. "That's why I asked to hang out, I wanna know more about you Taehyung." I chew down on my lower lip. If I'm honest, trusting people is rather impossible due to my past. I peer up through my lashes at Byung-joon, he was busy staring up at the sky.

Tonight, the stars were shinning more brightly, giving off an illuminating vibe. We walk on further down the pathway as Byung-joon decides to open up more about his life. I guess he thinks that if he does that then maybe I'll do the same. "Honestly my mom can be a right pain sometimes but I love her anyway." He laughs, finishing up a funny story he was telling me. I just keep silent, listening closely to what he has to say.

Suddenly, Byung-joon stops walking, causing myself to come to a complete halt. I furrow my brows, observing the other as he stares at me. His eyes roam over my body, taking in every inch which makes me feel slightly uncomfortable and overly exposed.

The ravenette moves closer to me till he's towering over my smaller frame. I gulp as he reaches out. I close over my eyes, flinching a little but instead of feeling his fingers on my skin, he picks up my pendant instead. "This is pretty." He spoke quietly, twirling the black necklace in his grasp.

I blink, shocked that Byung-joon was talking about the one thing that has been bothering me lately. "You know, it looks like something I've seen before." He whispers, so hush to the point I wasn't sure if he really said that or I was just imagining things.

Byung-joon glances up from the black crystal pendant to gaze into my eyes. I could feel myself getting more and more uneasy, especially when he flickers his orbs to stare at my lips. The ravenette begins to lean in, attempting to close the gap as his hands come around to hold me by my shoulders, trapping me so I can't escape. I try leaning back, wanting him to stop but it was no use.

Closer and closer he was getting. His lips around an inch away from mine till a loud and rather harsh cough interrupts us. Instant relief washes over me when Byung-joon pulls away to glare at whoever it was for disturbing us - or more so him.

Another wave of comfort settles in me when I see that it's Yoongi. He stood there, his hair looking darker due to the lack of light present. His brows were frowned into a deep glare while his eyes looked as though they could put Byung-joon six feet under. I watch how Yoongi glides his tongue across his lips before biting his inner cheek, his gaze remaining on Byung-joon.

I shuffle around awkwardly, fully breaking free from the ravenette's hold. "Taehyung, I think I should take you back to your dorm now." Yoongi spoke calmly, his eyes not meeting mine.

Slowly, I begin to move away but Byung-joon catches my arm. "No need, I can drop Taehyung off myself." The ravenette announces, "after all, he was out with me in the first place."

The two glare harder at one another and I could feel the tension building. I was worried that things would escalated very quick so I turn back to Byung-joon. "It's okay." I tell him with a smile, "I'll go with Yoongi but thank you for offering." I try to keep everything as calm as possible.

I knew with the way that Byung-joon's face was hardening that Yoongi was smirking in victory behind me. A sigh leaves the tall boy before he nods, slowly letting go of me. "I'll see you soon." He says and just to piss off Yoongi more, he leans forward and leaves a kiss on my cheek before running off the way we came.

My hand reaches up to my cheek, a shock expression taking over my face. 'What the hell was all that about?'

"Come on," Yoongi grumbles, yanking on my arm to follow him. Oddly enough, I don't know why I picked Yoongi instead of Byung-joon to take me home. 'Perhaps because I'm still in love with him...I thought we've been over this! You can't love him!! He left when you asked him to come with you!! He chose to be with that gang! And you know exactly what he did before!'

My blood suddenly turns cold when I remember that Yoongi murdered an innocent boy to pose as my dead body. How he beaten, tortured and God knows what else he did to Hoseok and probably past others.

Yet being with him made me feel safe, like he would be the last person to ever hurt me. 'I think I'm going crazy! Why can't my emotions just stop!?'

While busy in a world of my own, Yoongi manages to walk me to his car which was parked in the parking lot. "Why were you here?" I find myself asking, wondering why on earth would Yoongi be roaming around a park at night-time. "I needed fresh air." He spoke rather monotone. I was a little taken back with how blunt he was being.

"What's wrong with you?" I question as the pastel haired man opens the door for me to enter his car. I'm not quite sure if that set something off inside of Yoongi because the next thing I know, he's shoving my back against the car door of the back seats. I wince at the pain a little though my mind is too busy focusing on an angry Yoongi that was pressing his front up against mine.

Usually, whenever someone gets this close to me, I would start hyperventilating. Yet, weirdly enough all I can feel is myself oddly being turned on. '...that's it! I've officially lost it!!'

Yoongi observes me closely, his orbs watching over me like a hawk as his gaze drops to my lips. "You know exactly what's wrong!" He whisper-growls in a mixture of seduction and rage before he raises his eyes slightly to look me dead in the eye. "I hate when you're around other guys!" He admits honestly, causing a light shade of red to tinge over my cheeks.

Before I can process what Yoongi is saying, he inches his face closer to mine. His pink lips gently brush over my own, causing a shudder of pleasure to run down my spine. "I've tried so hard to hold myself back and not get bothered that you aren't mine but I can't take it anymore."

Suddenly, I feel the softness of his lips on my own as my eyes begin to close over. I melt against his body, feeling waves of emotions hit me all at once.

Hoseok's POV

As though realisation kicks in, I snap my eyes wide open and shove Jin backwards with every ounce of strength that I have left. The red haired male stumbles back till he falls flat on ass with a shock expression.

"H-Hos-" I don't let him finish his sentence as I rush into my room and lock it. I smack my back against the door before slowly sliding down it till I meet with the ground. 'What the hell am I doing?!?! He's one of them!! Why would I even think for a second that this would be okay?!'

I groan into the palms of my hands, hating how much I let my guard down for a minute. "Hoseok, please open up." A voice came from the other side of the door followed by a loud knock.

I keep quiet, holding my hands over my lips to sound out any noise. "Hoseok please!" Jin's voice raises but I hold my tongue, refusing to let him in.

Instead, I bow my head into my knees and wrap myself up into a small ball to keep out the banging and shouting. 'Why does life have to be so complicated?'

Unknown POV

I watch on as they lock their lips together, how he has him pressed up against his car while they attempt to fight for dominance. Smirking, I turn my gaze away to peer down at my phone.

I received a message, letting me know that the plan so far has been successful. 'It's only a matter of time now.'

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