Chapter 24

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Taehyung's POV

Slowly, I regain consciousness as I awake to find myself in my room. 'Did I just dream all of that?' I wonder as I struggle to unravel myself from my sheets.

Clumsily falling to the ground, I groan as I make my way out of the room and into the main area. Once I step out into the living room, I find Namjoon lying across the couch in a deep slumber. I was a little surprised and curious as I shuffle closer to get a better look at his sleeping figure.

His body was completely stretched out as his lips lay agape. A soft snore escapes from him as his eyes were kept closed and his body seems to be at peace.

I strangely find myself smiling down at him, finding the bad ex-gang leader to look kinda cute when he's asleep. But then I frown, shaking my head in dismissal. 'What am I thinking?! He's a bad man!' With that thought in mind, I creep away from him and towards the fridge to grab something to eat before class.

Loud groans, followed by sniffling suddenly erupts from the couch. It actually scares me slightly as I flicker my full attention over towards Namjoon's still sleeping form.

With hesitant steps, I shuffle back towards him as he's now rolling around on the sofa, his face scrunching up in distress. 'Is he having a nightmare?' I wonder, raising my hand to touch him. Though I do delay in my movements since I'm unsure if waking him will make things worse or better. But I know myself how horrible it is to go through the nightmares so I slowly find myself shaking the older's shoulder.

In a flash, Namjoon's eyes snap open, causing me to flinch. Not only because he's staring at me but because there are fresh tears coated over his orbs. His breathing was uneven as he frantically tries to regain complete consciousness of his body again.

"W-what..." he confusingly mutters aloud as a single teardrop falls against his cheek. I couldn't stop myself from showing concern and surprise, causing Namjoon to furrow his brows as realisation soon sinks in. He presses his fingers to his cheek, wiping away the fallen tear. "Shit!" I hear him curse under his breath as he sits upright with the use of his hands.

I watch on as he frantically tries to get his chair round so that he can lift himself into it. Before I could stop myself, I quietly ask, "was it a nightmare?" My voice came out timid and a little shaky. However, the reaction Namjoon gave me only causes more fear than worry. "Shut the fuck up! You don't know anything!!" He barks as he finally gets himself into his wheelchair.

Namjoon attempts to wheel himself away from me but I stand in his way, trapping him. "Move you fucking idiot before I run you over!!" Usually, I would flinch whenever he acts this way as it triggers things from the past. Yet this time round, I refuse to back down. I've had enough of all this secrecy. If I'm going to have to put up with them, I want to at least have a bit more insight into everything. "You don't scare me." I simply state, my voice lacking in any form of emotions.

The ink haired man eyes me closely. His expression seems unconvinced and honestly, he's right to think that way. Truth is, I'm terrified but I can't let him know that. Not anymore that is.

Namjoon sat quietly back in his chair, his orbs roaming over me from head to toe as I stood there with an emotionless face.

"Don't lie kid. People like me can easily see right through you." His voice had lowered back into its original form now as he moves himself around me. I stare wide eyed as he reaches his room door. "Perhaps, instead of bothering me, you should go work on hardening that shell of yours. Who knows if anything might happen to you." And with that, he furiously slams his door shut.

All I could do was gawk at the wooden barrier with confusion and fear as a cold shiver runs over my back. 'What the hell was that about?! Is he...warning me about something?'

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