Chapter 38

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Taehyung's POV

"Congratulations!" Both Hoseok and Byung-joon cheer in unison.

I just sat there stiffly with my hands trapped between my thighs. I gave an awkward smile, though, I didn't feel up to pretending like I'm happy in that moment.

I was thankful for my friends' encouragement on finishing my project as they decide to celebrate by meeting up at the coffeehouse for a bit before I head back home tomorrow. Hoseok decided it would be best to drive me back home himself as soon as my assessment was over. He still had his own dance performance to do in a couple of days but he vowed to take me home, away from Yoongi the second I'm finished my own semester.

The thought of my lover almost brought tears to my eyes. I hold back however, knowing it'll be bad if I burst into tears now, especially with Hoseok sitting directly across from me.

Byung-joon had also joined us, finally meeting Hoseok despite knowing of him for a while now. Hoseok was pleasant to the other but was still a tad reluctant in trusting Byung-joon.

"It's a real shame you're leaving tomorrow, Taehyung." Byung-joon mumbles as he looks at me with a saddened expression.

I purse my lips, taking in his words with an uncomfortable demeanour. I take immediate interest in the table afore me, feeling all ounce of emotion I ever felt flee my body. I was a wandering soul, lingering inside a lifeless body. My lips couldn't even curve an inch into a small beam. I couldn't be happy for myself, nor anyone for that matter.

Hoseok must have suspected this from my dull attitude as he jumps in to answer for me.

"It's for the best. We haven't been having the best of time here and we're wanting to go somewhere closer to home."

I remain silent despite not fully agreeing to my friend's declaration. But at the same time I didn't want to disobey nor anger Hoseok anymore than I already have. I knew I was too weak to break off all connections to Yoongi myself and I have already hurt Hoseok enough to continue doing so. I refuse to see that look of hurt and disappointment ever cross Hoseok's face again as long as I live. That expression was because of me and it was enough to stop me from defying his orders in returning home.

"Is that really how you feel Taehyung?" Byung-joon moves his gaze back to me, giving me a strange impression that he means more behind his words. "Last time I checked you seemed rather happy to be here?"

I find myself chomping on my bottom lip, biting so hard that I almost draw blood.

"And you stay with him and his parents, don't you?" Byung-joon flickers his attention back to Hoseok. I could see the faintest source of a smirk dance on his lips but when I take a double glance, it's gone.

'I swear I saw a smug look on his face, or perhaps I just made it up in my head?'

Hoseok seemed troubled by the other's accusation as I see his shoulders tense ever so slightly. I observe his uneasiness, waiting to hear his simplified answer to the uncomfortable question.

But when he does not reply, Byung-joon takes it upon himself to continue. "You seem close to Taehyung to say that you're like brothers, correct? Especially because his parents took you in?"

The air surrounding Hoseok was enough to show how agitated and on edge he was feeling about the topic.

'Perhaps it's because it brings back bad memories of his own parents?' I thought to myself as I remain silent while the pair stare intensely at one another.

"I think it's best we head back now Taehyung. We have a long drive home tomorrow." Hoseok proposes after a minute, grabbing the material of my shirt by the shoulder.

I stumble to my feet while Byung-joon hollers out, "aww do you have to go now? I wanna spend a little more time with Taehyung before I never see him again." He openly pouts before the flash of a brilliant idea crosses his eyes.

"Why don't you head back first since you want to be well rested for tomorrow and I'll walk Taehyung home when we're finished here?"

Hoseok scoffs at the suggestion, "I'd rather he comes back with me so sorry but we're leaving now." He states firmly as his hand remains on my shoulder, guiding me in the direction of the main doors.

I glance back at Byung-joon and for a fraction of a second, he has a deathly glare in his eyes. It blazed into Hoseok's back as it held nothing but malice. It send a shiver down my spine but my attention is quickly whisked away when my body comes into contact with the freezing night air.

"God, that guy is so weird!" Hoseok grumbles once we're out of earshot from Byung-joon.

I wet my lips, not bothering to inform him about what I had just seen. It wouldn't make any difference anyway, I'm leaving here forever tomorrow and Hoseok will be rejoining my family next week too.

Hoseok walked us over to his parked car across the road. I felt my feet trudge sadly behind, my gaze staring down at the ground as I enter inside the vehicle.

The ride back was awkward. I didn't have anything to say nor did Hoseok. He pulls up outside of my building and I was about to get out when he stops me.

"I know you hate me for deciding this without your consent..." he trails off, a look of remorse clear on his face as he peers down at his hand that was still halting me from leaving. He seemed to be struggling to assemble the correct words to say as I continue to look at him, anticipating over what he'll say.

But when nothing but a sigh parts from his lips, I take it upon myself to proceed with venturing out the car.

"God damnit, Taehyung!" He roars, banging his hands down against the steering wheel.


I remain in my seat, lost in thoughts. I then present him with a tiny smile, "I know you do Hoseok. Thank you for always taking care of me."

My eyes take a moment before I finally let them trail up to meet his. "And I love you too, hyung."

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