Chapter 4

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"Tae, relax. She could've been talking about any other gang." Hoseok tries his hardest to keep me calm as I continue to jolt around in my seat. Without removing his eyes from the front window, he uses one of his hands to grab mine, his other still on the steering wheel. I feel him squeeze my hand as a form of comfort and I relax slightly...only a little.

"What happens if it's them hyung?" I gulp, glancing at the review mirror every so often to convince myself that they weren't following us.

"Tae, it's been a year. If they wanted us again, they would've came looking for us by now." I lick my lips, giving a short nod. 'Yeah, hyung is right. They didn't even want me to begin with so why am I so worried?'

There was only half an hour left till we reach our destination. My knees wouldn't stop fidgeting, bouncing up and down while I keep myself occupied by staring out the window. Unconsciously, my free hand reaches up to my neck. There it was...the necklace. I knew I was being stupid for wearing the pendant but I couldn't help it. It felt like without it, I wasn't complete.

I made sure to wear it all the time, underneath my tshirts and sweatshirts, afraid that if Hoseok sees it then he would start asking questions. 'Thank God he didn't notice it last night when he was helping me change due to the darkness of my room.'

After all, he thought I burned it a while ago. He would constantly go on at me to get rid of the "dirty" object.

But I guess I was just being selfish.

I felt my eyes slowly close over, I was tired after all the commotion earlier. Sleep soon consumes me as I yet again have another nightmare about him.


"Tae," I let out a soft moan, rotating myself to face away from the voice. "Come on Tae, I wanna go take a nap!" The voice whines.

Leisurely, my orbs open. I lazily look around, noticing that the car was now parked in some parking lot with a huge, black modern building in front of it.

I glance over at hyung who had been trying to wake me up. I wipe away the small trace of drool that was next to lips before rubbing at my eyes. "We're here?" I question, yet already knew the answer. Hoseok just nods, "sorry I had to wake you." His hand runs through my soft brunette hair, causing me to accidentally let out a purr like a cat at his actions.

I flush, feeling embarrassed as I now sit upright, fully awake. Hoseok grins at me, faintly chuckling before whispering, "cute."

The air feels thick. This hasn't been the first time that things have gotten rather...awkward between us. Hyung was always the touchy type and I never minded it but sometimes I wonder if he really just sees me as a little brother or something more.

Not wanting to make the situation worse, I hop out the car, almost stumbling due to my legs going all jelly from sitting too long. "Are you alright Tae?" Hoseok asks, getting out of the car and running round to check on me. I was luckily able to balance myself before nodding, "yeah, I'm just tired that's all."

I was still incredibly worried about having a new dorm mate. Sadly, I wasn't able to get Hoseok as mine. Even after my parents fought our case, the college didn't allow it. I'm not entirely sure why.

We enter inside the main building, looking around at all the many students with papers, suitcases, boxes and such. After all, it was the start of the new term so thankfully we weren't the only ones starting school.

Once picking up our dorm keys and filling out any paperwork that is required, we head back out to the car.

"Room 57 in dorm H," Hoseok reads aloud, staring at the small letter that came with every key. I glance down at my own, finding out that I'm in room 112, in dorm E.

"I'll drop you off at your dorm first, alright?" He suggests, hopping into his car. I rub my eyes tiredly before following, taking my seat in the passenger side. We drive round towards the dorms which were large buildings lined in a row. A huge 'A' sign was displayed on the first building, the next being 'B' and so on.

Hoseok drives till we reach the building with a big letter 'E' over the entrance door. Few students were walking through the doors or standing around chatting.

I open my door, closing it over before going around to the back of the car where I grab some of my boxes. Hyung grabs the rest before we head inside.

Luckily for us, we find my dorm quite easily. I was shocked to see that it was still locked. 'I guess my dorm mate isn't here yet.' I was a tad relieved since I get awkward walking into rooms to meet new people anyway. 'I just hope whoever he is actually likes me and doesn't judge my nightmares.'

"Right, I'm gonna head to my dorm and unpack. I'll be back soon so that we can go out for dinner." Hoseok says while placing down my boxes. I thank him with a smile as he leaves.


It's rather scary being alone. Ever since the kidnapping, I've always been around someone whether that be my parents, Hoseok, therapists, anyone if it means I wouldn't be alone with my thoughts.

I decide to start unpacking to take my mind off of things. I open up the cardboard boxes that were branded with different titles on them such as clothes, textbooks and so on.

The dorms were huge and beautiful. The first room you come into is a small yet cute living room area with a small kitchen off to the left. On either sides of the room sat two doors, they were a light beige wooden colour and I knew right then that they were the rooms. An extra door sat beside one of the room's and I guessed that it was the bathroom.

I waltz past a large floor vase that had pretty long, green leaves growing from it. I decide to check out the room next to the bathroom.

It was cute, the size of the room was medium sized. A single bed sat to the furthest right with a desk across from it to the left. A large walk in closest was directly in front of me and there was a cute baby blue rug sitting on the laminated floor. The walls were a clear white, practically begging for me to put some colour onto it. I begin unpacking, putting all my things into their new rightful places when I hear the door in the main room open.

I take a deep breath, 'okay Taehyung, you can do this! Just go out there with a smile and introduce yourself.' After my small pep talk and a nod of my head, I shuffle towards my door. I yank it open with a large grin plastered on my face.

"Hi, my name's Tae-" my entire body freezes up when I see who it is at the doorway of the dorm.

' this can't be happening!!!'



Author's Note

Bring on the drama!!😱😱

Leaving you's on a cliffhanger because I'm evil.😈😁

Who do you think Taehyung's new dorm mate is and why? I'm curious to see if anyone gets it right.🙊

Also just to say I changed the cover slightly, just because I felt like it needed a bit more colour.😂

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