Chapter 35

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Taehyung's POV

I was still shaken from both encounters I just had while out on my walk. My body was  proceeding to go into a strange scare, completely shutting down as I shake uncontrollably.

I speedily return back inside my dorm where I'm promptly met with a worried Yoongi.

"Where the hell were you?! I was about to go out looking for you!!" He barks while racing to take a stand directly in front of me.

I bow my head shamefully, having an odd sense of guilt swarm me when hearing his words.

"I'm sorry," I find myself whispering in despair.

I then felt my face being buried into something hard as a pair of arms wrap themselves around me. I was stunned by Yoongi's unexpected actions as he hugs me close.

I'm not sure why, but it brought tears to my eyes as I break down in his arms. I felt sick to my stomach, I couldn't deal with everything that's been going on. I was so afraid of everything and I didn't want to live like this anymore.

"It's okay, you're okay." Yoongi's comforting voice gets drowned out by my silent cries while he caresses my brown locks in a soothing manner.

Every so often, my sobs would loudly depart from my now haematic-coloured lips. It was the kind of crying that created a harsh, smothering pain to inhabit deep within me. The agonising suffering was greatly affecting my chest, only making my wails grow louder.

This must have alarmed Namjoon as he suddenly opens his bedroom door - that was ahead of me, just as I moved my head up from resting it on Yoongi's shoulder so that I was no longer soaking his tee. Our eyes met and I was barely able to make out what expression he was pulling due to the ongoing waterfall weeping from my lids.

"What's going on?" My ebony haired roommate questions as he wheels himself closer to us but Yoongi outstretches one of his arms away from me, keeping his other still wrapped around. He raises a single finger towards his friend, halting him from moving any closer towards us.

Once again, everything turns quiet, except for the odd sounds of my snivelling here and there. There were no words dropped from anyone as I feel Yoongi unexpectedly place his one arm under my knees, the other across my back. He picks me up with ease, carrying me to my room.

I'm placed into my bed as the elder takes my shoes off and covers me with my sheets. Part of me didn't want him to leave, yet another side to me wanted everyone to just leave me least for a few hours.

Yoongi surprisingly exits out of my room and closes over the door, obviously leaving me to rest for the time being.

I could hear from within the 4 walled room, Yoongi and Namjoon discussing the manner behind my current dilemma.

"What the hell was that?" Namjoon grumbles, hoping to keep his tone lowered so that I might not be able to hear him.

Yoongi sighs before I hear a bunch of mumbling that wasn't quite clear enough to identify. I remain trapped under my covers, staring blankly at the ceiling with a deadpan expression lingering upon my face. I felt so drained, so tired of life. I close over my eyes, allowing the addictive tranquility to take over as I fall into the never-ending slumber.


I awoke with a start.

My head rotates repeatedly like a seesaw, turning side to side as I take in the fact I'm still in my bedroom. I exhale, dropping my shoulders while my arms flop in-between my spaced out legs.

And then I remember, "shit!" I curse while throwing my sheets off of me. I search my room before remembering my phone is still in my pocket. I pulled it out, checking the time as I take in the fact that classes were long finished. 'Crap! I definitely need to go to class tomorrow, I can't miss out on my assignment!'

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