Chapter 27

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Taehyung's POV

To say I've been on edge of late would be a complete and utter understatement. Everywhere I look, everywhere I go, I feel like I'm being watched, followed even. It was definitely beginning to take a toll on my mental state.

I have been having more nightmares than usual, only making things furthermore difficult from lack of sleep. I also haven't seen much of Yoongi, or anyone for that matter. Not even Namjoon, and he's my roommate! I wasn't sure whether to feel glad or scared?

It was a Saturday when I first saw Namjoon again. I had just woke up from a rather stressed and insomnolence slumber when I could hear the odd sound of wheels shuffling along the floorboards. I just sat there for a minute, perched upright in bed as I listen attentively to the noise.

After confirming to myself that it was indeed Namjoon's wheelchair, I carefully, with caution footing, step my way over towards my bedroom door. I open it a tiny bit, enough to peak an eye through as I check the main area. I couldn't really see anything, indicating that Namjoon must be over in the kitchen behind the wall.

Chomping down on my tongue, I decide to venture out into the cold air of morn that always seems to engulf this particular room everyday. As my skin shivers at the exposed coldness, I carefully gaze down at my slightly clumsy feet that were struggling to keep straight from all the pent up anxiety and stress. I trudge slowly into the main room and as I suspected, Namjoon was in the kitchen area.

His eyes were furiously reading a newspaper while he sipped on a mug that no doubtfully had coffee in it. Though, when he hears my softly paced strides, he glances up at me before back down again.

The last time I saw him, he had vex written all over his face from me snooping through his things. So it felt a little weird when seeing him look so calm, so peaceful like he didn't have a care in the world. 'Must be nice,' I grumpily thought as I walk round him to grab some orange juice from the fridge.

"That reminds me..." he tails off, finally speaking but his gaze does not remove itself from the paper. Turning, I gawk on at the other with juice in my mouth, causing my cheeks to bloat outwards. I blink at him, awaiting for whatever it might be that he wants to say. "You have a guest in 3, 2, 1..." and at that, a knock came at the door.

I was astonished by Namjoon's words, gaping with extended pupils as they dart between the door and the grinning ravenette. My lips cave into a pout while my brows frown with a qualm expression swiped across my face. I was hesitant but reluctantly, I lumber over to the door. I knew that Namjoon wouldn't do it for me so I steadily open the entrance, unveiling the person that stood behind it.

"Yoongi? What-what are you doing here?" My breathy tone sounded unsure as I stare openly at him with shock. He was standing there, dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a burgundy hoodie that was oversized but looked even more attractive on him.

I found myself practically drooling at the sight of him, my chest combusting at the fact I haven't seen him in so long. I had to hold back the urge to hug him, to have him close to me but I knew better than to inflict that type of affection onto him.

So I just stood there, an awkward expression morphing across my facial features as I look at him in discomfort. "Taehyung," he breathes out quietly, his eyes lingering over me like a hawk stalking its prey. It was intense and suffocating yet I oddly enjoyed the fact that he was staring at me.

I could feel his fierce presence, his orbs glazing over my disheveled locks, my sleepy expression, my puffy face, and my silk pyjamas that I'm currently dressed in. Our eyes briefly meet but a sudden loss of confidence causes me to peer away, instead taking interest in my bare toes.

My body sort of moves away from the door a little, keeping it open so that Yoongi has space to enter as I thought he might be here to see Namjoon like usual. However, when I turn to leave, he stops me by taking a large step inside and grabs hold of my wrist. "Will you come with me somewhere?" He asks faintly, his voice faltering to barely a whisper as he holds hope within it.

I wasn't sure how to react nor what I should say. 'Should I go with him? What does he want to talk about?' I know I shouldn't agree to this but the other side to me, the part who is in love with Yoongi just seems to take over as I nod slowly.

Yoongi waited while I quickly got washed and changed, I followed the elder out into the daylight air, feeling a sort of calmness dawn on me before the anxiety kicks in again.

The blue headed man places his hand into mine, pulling me over to his car as he helps me in. I felt more open to the idea of letting him take me somewhere in his car despite always putting up a fight beforehand. I felt more willing to go with him even if there was still slight uneasiness stirring in the pit of my stomach.

He drove for what felt like hours till I find us parked in a very secluded area. The car was on top of a hill and when looking out the windshield, I could see the aesthetic view for miles. "It's so..." my voice gets lost in my own thoughts as I ogle at the sight in front of me.

"Beautiful, isn't it." It didn't sound like a question but more so a statement as he too keeps his gaze centred on the nature ahead. I was in awe with the hills, engrossed with how majestic it seems to appear.

"I come here a lot," Yoongi starts, still looking forward. "To think most of the time. About the past, about what I did..." he mumbles as his voice diminishes into a mere murmur while he finally peaks a glance my way, catching me as I stare back. "About you."

An intense aura drew over us as we just sat there, staring at one another before my sapphire haired companion turns away to observe the sun ahead of us.

"That night...that night when I..." he looked to be struggling to say what was on his mind as he bows his head to stare at his hands. "When I killed that guy."

My body tenses at what he just said, knowing fully well what he is talking about. It was an upsetting tale to say the least, I couldn't even stomach the thought of that poor boy being murdered just so that the police and my parents wouldn't come looking for me anymore.

"I'm sorry, Taehyung." His sentence sounded so broken, so regretful. "I'm so, so sorry." I let his words sink in, my own being trapped in my throat.

It takes around a minute before I open my lips, my voice coming out croaked. "T-tell me," my eyes encountering with his dark ones again. "Tell me what happened that night, what really happened..."


Author's Note

Next chapter will be a flashback of that night Yoongi murdered that boy in UNWANTED. (First Book.) 🤭

Also do you think Taehyung is being smart by trusting Yoongi so much?🤔

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