Chapter 36

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Taehyung's POV

There are many things that can make Hoseok furious.

Like for instance, people who steal his parking space, people who eat too loudly, people who bully others...

But what really made him seethe with rage is the fact that I just openly admitted that I'm dating one of our ex-kidnappers - not to mention the very one who inflicted most of Hoseok's torture.

"Hyung, please!" I cried out, hot tears streaming down my face making it difficult for me to see properly as I watch him drive at a ridiculous speed.

He wouldn't speak nor even glance my way; his gaze was solely focused on the windshield. His knuckles were turning an ill shade of white, yet his face remained neutral.

"Hoseok please!! Please slow down! You're gonna kill us!!" I plead.

"NO TAEHYUNG HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO ME!! TO YOURSELF!! HAVE YOU NO SELF-RESPECT?!?" He roars, stomping his foot down on the gas pedal as the car accelerates in speed.

I could do nothing but bawl harder, finding it almost impossible to breathe.


Hoseok's eyes blanketed a layer of gloss as he attempts to hold in his own tears. His lips were pulled back into a pursed expression as the pain from the truth was clear in his demeanour.

There wasn't much I could say or do now besides repeatedly tell him I'm sorry with what choices I have made.

It tore me apart to see my hyung like this.

"I'm sorry..." I whisper. "I'm sorry but I can't help the way I feel."

That was enough to cause the first tear to slip and cascade down Hoseok's cheek. He turns away from me, glancing momentarily out the side window before returning back to watch the road.

My face was no doubt bright red and blotchy. Ugly, unattractive noises were bubbling out of me as tears and snot trickle down my skin.

We remained in silence for a good 10 minutes after, neither one of us speaking. The only sounds that were heard was my sniffling and the car's engine as we drive to God only knows where.

I was struggling to figure whether Hoseok hates me or was just very angry with me. I didn't want him to be furious about the choices I had made for myself.

Soon, however, we arrive outside of an unsightly and quite frankly spine-chilling warehouse. I took note that the entire outward appearance outside of the car was a dirt road in the middle of nowhere that stretched for miles. It was petrifying to say the least as I had never seen nor heard of this place before.

With a still tearful face that had grown to become itchy and discoloured, I gawked at our surroundings with fear.

"W-where are we?" I ask with uneasiness.

Hoseok did nothing but stare ahead at the grimy warehouse. He had a stone-cold air to him.

I repeatedly flicker my eyes from Hoseok to the building in an attempt to figure where we were. There were parked cars and a few people dotted further away from us. The people who stood around looked terrifying. They were the types of people you would suspect to be in a gang and that alone brought back putrid memories.

"A couple of weeks ago, I followed them here." Hoseok confesses. His dead, lifeless gaze gawked ahead in despair. "This is the real him, this is what they all are."

I could see that Hoseok wanted to guide me on the right path that I should be on, where I should be hating Yoongi and his friends for what they did.

I watch on as a teardrop falls from Hoseok's dull orbs, how it trickles down his cheek, descending away like it wasn't even there.

"You don't see it, you're so delusional about all of this!" His voice raises a little, scaring me as I find myself cowering in my seat.

"LOOK AT WHAT THEY'VE DONE TO YOU!!" He yells, grabbing my scarred arm as he rips away my sleeve to display the hideous marks.

"DON'T YOU SEE WHAT THEY'VE DONE?!?" His voice broke as I once again fall into a blubbering mess. My vision was blurry, barely able to make out the outline of Hoseok. I could feel him shaking me, his fractured tone ringing in my ears but I could no longer hear him. It was like white noise as I find it impossible to breathe properly.

'It hurts so much!' I repeatedly tell myself, feeling this emends amount of pain that runs deep into the core of my heart. It was unbearable to harbour this amount of guilt, shame...heartache.

I knew I couldn't have both. I knew if I wanted Yoongi in my life that Hoseok wouldn't be okay with this but it still hurt so much.

"Don't you see," Hoseok cries as he bores his eyes with mine, holding me still. What he did next, tore me apart.

"You don't need him, you don't need to make your world worse because of an evil person like him." He yanked on the black pendent that was around my neck, holding the thin and now snapped chain between his fingers. He held it high, enough so that I could stare at it, pitifully.

"P-please," I beg, my entire demeanour now shaking.

Despite my ugly crying, it wasn't enough to stop Hoseok.

He gave me an apologetic look.

"Did you sleep with him?"

I was taken back by his low whisper, almost at a complete loss on what he had just asked.

His eyes were like fire, setting me alight just by a simple glance. They held so much pain, so much misery. It took me about a minute to answer him, harsh huffs of breaths escaping while I strive to get my response across.


Hoseok wore a crooked, obviously fake small smile as he quietly cries to himself. He licks his salty lips, peering down at the necklace.

"Good, it means it'll be easier for you to let him go." He lowers his window and tosses the pendent out onto the cold ground.

An agonising howl leapt from me as I held my hands against my lips to stop the noise from being heard.

"It's for the best, Taehyung." He states like he knows what's best for me. "I think we should finish this semester and get a transfer to another college. I don't think us being here is any good for either of us anymore."

It was torturous to hear him speak those words.

"I love him."

"I know," he exhales deeply, starting up the car again. "That's why you need to let him go..."

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