Start from the beginning

My smile drops a little when I see the picture on the home screen.


I could recognize her from the same brown hair, the same tattoo of a star on her right shoulder and the same tug at my heart when I'd first seen her in the painting.

"She's really pretty" I say

"Hm?" Logan asks, looking up from her food and I turn the phone to her so she can see the picture

"Savannah yeah? She's pretty" I say and she nods

"She is"

"Doesn't it make you sad? Having her picture on here?" I ask

"A bit but I don't mind being a little sad" she chuckles though her smile does not reach her eyes

"I mind you being a little sad though" I say "I like it a lot better when you're happy and smiling" I say and she hums only, probably having nothing to say in reply

"Do you want to take a picture together?" I ask with a lighter tone, trying to wave off the sadder mood


"Alright, me too" I say, getting up and coming around the table to sit on the empty chair beside her and she chuckles

"You ask me and still do whatever you want" she says as I open her camera

"If you know then why don't you ever give me the answer you know I want to hear?" I ask, fixing my hair quickly using the camera of the phone as a mirror before turning to her "Are you ready?" I ask


"Great" I say, moving closer to her "Make sure to smile" I say as I position the camera so we're both in the frame

"One, two..." I click the button and turn to her with a frown "You weren't smiling, did you not hear my count?" I ask

"That one's alright" she says

"No it isn't cause you're not smiling. Please smile?" I say with a flutter of my lashes and I grin when she laughs at my little act

"You're insane" she says

"And you have a beautiful smile" I say before taking a picture and I'm pleased when I open it to see that gorgeous smile on her face "See? So pretty" I say, showing her the picture

"You are" she says and I nudge her

"Don't make me get all shy here" I say and she chuckles

"What are you doing?"

"Making this your lock screen picture. So if you get a little sad from looking at her picture, you can go look at this one, okay?" I say, turning the phone to her after making the picture her wallpaper so she can see it

"Okay" she says, looking at the picture before turning to me "I have to go somewhere for a few days" she says and I raise a brow at the sudden announcement


"I have to travel for a bit to take care of something personal" she says and I nod

"Oh. When will you be back?" I ask

"I'm not sure but I won't take too long okay?" She says and I nod

"Okay. When do you have to leave?" I ask


"Tomorrow?! And you're saying it today, that's so unfair" I say, slapping her arm and she chuckles

"It was a decision I made yesterday, that's why. But really, I won't take too long. Just a couple days" she says and I pout

"Yeah but it doesn't mean I won't miss you" I say

"I'll miss you too" she says quietly and I'm left tongue-tied by the words out her mouth and all I'm left doing is staring at her

I flinch when my phone suddenly starts ringing and I realise all I'm doing is staring at her and her doing the same.

"Sorry" I say with a small clear of my throat as I stretch a bit and pick up my phone from where it was sat beside my plate

"Hey" I say once I answer the call

"Hey, you didn't forget our meeting did you?" I hear and realize it's Kira

We'd planned to meet today and have brunch together. She said she also wanted to share some news with me.

I totally forgot about that.

"No, not at all" I say quickly, looking at the watch on my wrist to see we've spent quite a while here "Where are you?"

"The park. Are you still coming?" She asks and I turn to Logan

I really don't want to go and leave her

"Um yeah, yeah just give me a few minutes" I say

"Alright. See you soon" she says before I hang up

"You have to go?" Logan asks and I nod

"I forgot I made plans to meet with...a friend today. She wanted to tell me something in person, it probably won't take long and I'll feel bad cancelling" I say and she nods

"I'll see you at home then" she says and I nod

"Yeah. I'll try not to take too long so be ready to spend today with me cause I'm not letting you travel away just like that" I say and she chuckles


"Good" I say before getting up from the chair "See you in a couple hours" I say, leaving a kiss to her cheek before hurrying out of the restaurant.

Let's get this over with.

Cold diamonds 🦋
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