Chapter twenty nine

Start from the beginning

Shisui hummed as he let hashirama do his thing. He couldn't help but glance up at him shyly, realizing how close they were. Before he would have been uncomfortable, but now he felt like a short of pull, tugging painfully at his heart. He was surprised to recognize this feeling as longing.

"You must be hungry," hashirama mentioned after a second. "I have some food ready for you at your room."

Shisui's heart throbbed at his amount of care. "Thank you."

Hashirama hummed, hands grabbing shisui's chin and turning his face side to side to if anything is in need of healing. He frowned, when he noticed something unusual. "Your cheeks are red," he placed a hand against his forehead. "You have a fever." He stated baffled. How in the world did he just get a fever? It wasn't there seconds ago!

"Ah," shisui glanced to the side nervously. He tried to form coherent words, but his throat was having problems spitting them out. "I-I get that all the time. Is n-nothing." Just what was happening to him all of the sudden?

"Shisui I have never seen you get this before," hashirama glanced down at him worriedly. "I can't believe it. Is this really a fever?" He placed his forehead against his. "It's burning. This is really a fever!" He confirmed wide eyed.

Meanwhile, shisui couldn't hear anything over the pounding of his heart. 'Hashirama was so close...hashirama was so close...' his brain seem to repeat like a mantra. What was happening to him? It's not the first time since he have had hashirama so close before, granted he had always reacted strongly to it, but never like this.

"And he kissed you on the forehead too, didn't he? What about the hugs and all that touching?"

Rin's words echoed inside his head, making him dizzy. He had always known hashirama was special to him, not only because he was the hokage, but because of something else...something deeper that he had tried to denied all this time out of fright. But his heart had reached a limit of how long it can keep doing that. He could no longer deny how hashirama makes him feel. He could feel some sort of feeling kicking in, almost in a suspenseful way.

And when it finically clicked, he was no longer awake to dwell on that.


Shisui was starting to believe that when he had jumped off a cliff, his inner self has been sleep for as long as he has been awake. Only to recently wake up. It had the same feeling as when he just got his sharingan. He could see and understand things he hadn't been able to do before. And it all came crashing down on him like a tsunami.

Things that he hadn't thought about before all came rushing to his mind in a matter of seconds. And his mind seemed to focus in only one thing only.

Had hashirama always been this tall? How long was his hair? Is it as silky as it looks? How soft is his skin? How old was he? When is his birthday? What makes him happy? Is there someone he is interested in at the moment? He has never realized, but he was very beautiful. He wanted to hug him. He wanted to talk to him. Spend time with him. He didn't want him to talk to mito. He wanted to hog him all to himself.

Almost freaking out at this point, he dashed to the only person he could speak this to.

"Rin!" Not mindful of how loud he was being, he literally slammed the door to his room open. Scaring the poor girl who had been reading at the time.

"Wha-" she gave a startled shriek, book flying off her hands and she rushed to catch it. "What is it?" She asked looking alarmed.

"I," he breathed in deeply, his poor lungs crying out in relief. "Have issues."

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