3.45 Record breaker

Start from the beginning

"How does it feel to be gagged?" Asha taunts with a smile, the Warden nearly barking at her like a savage dog.

"We've got the Warden, now let's get out of here." Suki's already turning by the time they actually face the guys, all of which are trying to catch their breath. 

"Now I see why your with Aang." Zuko gasps out, holding his forehead.

"That's some girl." Hakoda holds his stomach, looking to Suki as he speaks. 

"Tell me about it." Sokka preens with pride.


"We're almost there!" Suki cheers, turning to Sokka, the gondolas in sight. Chit Sang is currently holding onto the Warden as the rest run ahead.

Zuko is quick to nudge Asha, both looking to the guards straight ahead. The two push forward, deflecting the flames that try to charge them, dissipating them immediately.  More try to join, but Zuko stops them.

"Back off, we've got the Warden." The guards do as their told, allowing the group of misfits to run past, Zuko urging them along. They soon enough get onto a gondola, Zuko staying behind to destroy the lever. However, even as guards charge him, he remains adamant until it finally cracks off.  

He takes a running leap to the Gondola, Asha and Sokka catching him before he can fall to his demise. Pulling him inside, Asha shocks him with a hug before smacking his arm. 

"What were you doing?!"  She snaps, brows furrowed in anger.

"I'm making it so they can't stop us." Zuko explains calmly, rubbing his arm. For someone who relies on bending she can pack a punch.

"Way to think ahead." Sokka nods to the boy, who nods back.

"We're on our way." Suki look to the group, smiling. 

"Wait, who's that?" Hakoda looks out the window, causing the three to look out as well.

"A problem in human form." Asha growls, trying to figure a way to stop the two girls; Azula and Ty Lee watching in amusement. 

"It's my sister and her friend." Zuko turns as well. 

"This is a rematch I've been waiting for. " Suki grins, following Asha to the top of the gondola. 

"Me too." Zuko grins, following the two girls, Sokka doing the same. 

Suki and Asha take on Ty Lee, leaving Azula to the boys. The non-benders engage in quick hand to hand combat, Suki occasionally falling back for Asha to bend some sort of defense. 

"You know, you don't have to do this. You seem better than this." Asha holds her stance, not firing, but remaining alert.

Ty Lee's eyes widen at the comment, momentarily looking behind Asha to Azula, who seems busy.  "I don't have much of a choice anymore."

"There's always a choice for the right thing." Asha gives a gently smile, Ty Lee returning it before resuming the fight, most likely for show as there's no longer the same amount of effort. The blocks are easily blockable and she's not going for the chi pressure points.

"Cut the line!" The Warden calls, how, the kids are unsure, however it makes them freeze.

The guards seem to shout to each other, the gondola coming to a slow then stop, shaking the top, knocking the girls and guys off balance.  Sokka slips, but Zuko catches him quickly. 

"They're about to cut the line!" Ty Lee calls, having jumped to the top of the hook securing the gondola to the line.

"Then it's time to leave." Azula grins. Propelling herself from the roof, she sails to the next gondola, shouting a good bye to her brother. Ty Lee flips over as well, only watching as they ride away.  

Quickly flipping back inside, the four pant as they stare down at their impending doom.

"They're cutting the line. The gondola's about to go!"  

Asha frowns. This wasn't the way she wanted to go out. Not by a long shot. She still had things to do, people to meet. She wouldn't even get the chance to say good bye. She ponders sending Aang a message quickly, but decides against it. That would be unnecessary worry. They were going to get out of this alive.

 The gondola remains on track, Sokka quickly looking out the window. "Who is that?"

There is Mai. Fighting her way through guard after guard, protecting the line from being cut completely. 

"It's Mai."

No one questions it as the group reaches the outer part of the crater. One by one, they leave the gondola, Chit Sand throwing the warden back in. 

"Sorry Warden, your record is officially broken." Hakoda seems to rub his face in his defeat with a smirk.


The stars dazzle above the zeppelin they stole from Azula, the group all sitting in their own huddles. Sokka and Suki with Hakoda, Zuko with Asha and Chit Sang sits by himself. 

"So, how does it feel?" Zuko looks to Asha's bright eyes, the girl raising a brow. 

"How does what feel?" 

"Being a fire princess." He smiles as she groans, running her hands down her face in exhaustion.

"Better knowing at least my step brother isn't as psycho as the other family members." Asha smiles back, Zuko rubbing his hand through his hair.

"I'm gonna take that as a compliment." He looks to her, the girl shrugging. 

"Good." She leans back, peeking open one of her closed eyes as the zeppelin stops, the temple in sight. Zuko's quick to stand, ruffling her hair as he walks away, chuckling lightly as she groans.

"What are you doing in this thing? What happened to the war balloon?"  Katara's voice is heard as Asha pushes herself up. 

"It kind of got destroyed." 

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." Aang.

"Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph. Of course. Asha smiles to herself at the thought, stretching her arms above her head.

"I did. The best meat of all. The mean of friendship and fatherhood." Sokka smiles, Asha pushing past with a fake gag. 

"That's gross Sokka." She smirks, Suki and Hakoda behind her. Chit Sang is there too, smiling brightly.

With a look up, Asha can see Aang smile at her, arms out awaiting his hug. She gladly complies, running full force into his awaiting arms with a giggle. He kisses her cheek, holding her tight as she nuzzles into the side of his neck. 

"God, if you ever worry me like that again- I don't know what I'll do- but I'll do something." Aang huffs, squeezing her tightly. She pulls away slightly only to be pulled into Aang's chest again.

"So you're her boyfriend." Chit sang smiles at Aang, who only furrows a brow. 

"Why? What did she do?" He pulls away, giving her a look. 

"She was amazing, jumping and scaling walls and-" Chit Sang goes off, explaining what the girl did in great detail, the poor Onsra beet red the whole time, even as more people come to hear about their great escape.

"Seriously, you guys didn't find any meat?!"

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