1.8 The deserter

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From here on out, the chapters are gonna get a lot longer, I'm going to try and fit the whole episode on one chapter. Sorry for the inconvenience. 


"This should give us a good idea of what's around here. " Katara muttered, looked at a canopy that held tons of fliers and such. Asha stood beside her, digging through her satchel looking for her coin pouch with furrowed brows.

"See if you can find a menu, I'm starving." Sokka mutters, digging his hand through their empty food bag.

"I bet we'll find something here!" Aang points to a colorful flyer that takes up half of the face of the canopy.

"The Fire Days Festival. Fire nation cultural exhibits... jugglers, benders, magicians." Asha read from the poster, a small brown sack in her hand. 

"This's be a great place for me to study some real fire benders!" Aang smiled wrapping an arm around Asha who smiled at him. 

" You might wanna rethink that. Look."  There, stuck proudly, was not only a wanted poster for Aang, but one for Asha as well. 

"Word travels fast." Asha seemed content with the picture, pulling it off with a quick rip.

"It's a wanted poster. This is bad. So bad." Sokka started panicking as Aang looked at his own picture. Katara watched as Asha pulled out about six other pages, folding the new one in between them.

"What are those?" Katara pushes as Asha looks to here. 

"Wanted posters from when I worked with the blue spirit." Aang now looked at the pile, eyes wide as he held a hand out for the pages, Asha quickly letting him skim through them. Her ability to surprise him made his heart jump more times than he could count, and honestly, he always had a thing for bad girls. 

"I think we better keep moving." Katara moved away, dropping the subject as Aang handed the papers back.

"I have to learn fire bending at some point, and this could be my only chance to watch a master up close." 

"We'll leave if it looks like trouble." Asha stood beside Aang, puppy eyes focused on Sokka as he would break a lot more easily than Katara would. 

"You want to walk into a fire nation town where they're all fired up with all their, you know, fire?!" Sokka avoiding looking at Asha, instead focusing on Aang.

"We'll wear disguises." Aang pleaded.

"I say we go." Katara turned to brother, surprising everyone. "Like Asha said, we'll leave if it looks trouble." 

"Yea, cause we always leave before we get into trouble. 

"Yes! I get to use my fire nation clothing!" Asha cheered as she ran to Gumi. 


"You guys stay out of sight here until we come back." Aang watched the animals, who watched him. They were currently waiting for Asha to come back, the girl changing in some bushes a little ways away.

"Ready disguises!"  

Sokka pulls down the hood of black cloak Asha gave him, Katara doing the same with a similar cloak. The two watching as Aang pulls his red hood over his head, barely covering his arrow. His only response to the siblings is a dorky smile. His head snapping up as a familiar giggle is heard. He turns to see Asha dressed in a traditional fire Nation kimono. It had a dark red base underneath a black over coat and a bright yellow sash.  The fire nation insignia on the back. Her hair was tied into a neat bun, a light red ribbon around it and finally a gold crown perched on her head. Aang could feel his cheeks light up at the sight of the girl; lightly gulping as she drew nearer, a bounce in her step.

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