1.6 Bato (Scene 1)

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Three heads whipped around at the sound of someone falling, Aang immediately going to Asha's side as she slowly sat up, glaring at whatever caught her foot. She honestly thought she could trust her two feet and then this happens? The nerve, she thought angrily, taking the hand Aang offered her. She drew her foot back to kick the offending weapon before Aang quickly swept it up, examining it closely. 

"It's a sword made out of a whale's tooth." He determined, snickering as Asha continued glaring at it; their hands still intertwined. 

"Lemme see that." Sokka ran towards them, ripping the sword from Aang who snorted his distaste. 

"This is a water tribe weapon," Sokka looked to the air benders. "See if you can find anything else." Sokka pointed around. 

Aang nodded before he turned to walk away, but Asha tightened her grip. Looking back to her, she smiled, Aang smiling back. The two walked towards a bush; Asha not trusting her own two feet and Aang watching both Asha and the ground.

"Did someone lose something?" Katara walked towards the scavengers .

"No, we found something."  Asha was the one to answer. Looking to the water tribe girl who smiled at their hands.

The two looked at Sokka who had shoved a burnt arrow tip in his sisters face. "It's burned."

"There was a battle, Water tribe warriors ambushed a group of fire benders." Sokka ran down a hill as he touches trees; trying to figure out what happened. "They fought back, but the warriors drove them downhill."

They soon found themselves on a beach, the sand feeling warm between Asha's toes as she watched where her feet walked.  Aang still gripping her hand tightly.

"So, what happened?" Asha looked to Sokka.

"I don't know. The trail ends here."  Sokka looked down, almost defeated.

"Wait! Look!" Katara pointed to a beached boat, the water tribe symbol on the flag. "It's one of our boats!" 

"Is it dad's?" Katara seemed hesitant.

"No, but it's from his fleet. He was here." Sokka grinned, running a hand down the smooth wood.


The moon was full and high in the sky as the group sat around a freshly made fire. Aang and Asha sat together (Aang already asleep), both leaning against Appa, Gumi beside him with his head on Asha's lap. His eyes were closed and he seemed content as Asha stroked his scales. Appa was already snoring and Katara seemed to be in her own little world while Sokka kept his eyes on the boat in front of them. Just as Asha was about to doze off Sokka jumped up, pointing his newly found sword at whatever was behind them. Gumi raising his head and growling. 

"Who's there?!" Sokka yelled. Asha turned to find a bandaged water tribe warrior stumbling towards them. And as discreetly as she could, Asha reached for her staff.

"Sokka?" The man asked, solemn.

"Bato?" Sokka lowered his weapon.  His sister running past him towards the warrior.

"Bato!" Both air benders watched from Appa, Aang now awake and Asha realizing the man wasn't a threat-- not yet at least. 

"Sokka! Katara! It is so good good to see you two! Oh, you've grown so much. " The man hugs the sibling as he watches Aang and Asha approach. 

The two bowing once they approach. "I'm Aang, and this is Asha."  

"Where's dad?" Sokka looked up to the man. "Is he here?" Katara now joining. 

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