Goldi gave her a faux pout. "What do you mean? I was just picking up some things for my mom when I saw you fussing like you were the five-year-old in this little relationship," she said as she held up a can of spaghetti sauce and pointed it between the siblings.

She then settled her eyes on Frankie with a small smirk and asked, "What's up, baby Richards?"

Frankie's eyes slightly widened as he sat back in the cart and mumbled, "Hi.."

Goldi laughed through her nose at Frankie's reaction as Dani rolled her eyes and said, "Great. So if you have no point in being here, why don't you just leave?"

"If you haven't noticed, this is a public venue, so I have every right to be here just as much as you," Goldi said with a roll of her own eyes before walking over to them.

Dani's eyes slightly narrowed as Goldi kept her gaze while reaching up to grab the brown box of cereal Frankie had been begging for just minutes prior before she looked her up and down with a smirk.

"Nice to see you on two feet again...See you later, baby Richards," she said to Dani before directing at Frankie, who gave her a small wave.

Her smirk widened at the action as she turned around to leave before pausing to face them once again.

"Oh and by the way, I heard there's a new girl in town, and she has her sights set on a certain little Darling boy...might want to check that out," she said before finally leaving, and a small frown formed on Dani's lips at her words before she shook her head as she pushed the thoughts away.

If the words were coming from Goldi's mouth, they definitely were not deemed to be trustworthy.

Rolling her eyes, Dani turned back around and frowned as she was met with the sight of her brother looking up at her with his arms crossed.

"What?" she asked in genuine confusion.

"We're not finished here, Missy," Frankie said in a tone that immediately caused Dani's features to light up in slight amusement.

"Oh, really?" she asked before smirking as an idea popped into her head. "Yes, we are."

"Nah ah!!" he instantly said.

Dani shrugged. "Okay...but if we can't get that pack of M&Ms," she told him in a nonchalant tone as she began to push the cart again.

Frankie's eyes widened before he rapidly shook his head and said, "Okay, we're done!!"

Dani laughed as they continued down the aisle. "That's what I thought."

A few minutes later, Dani stood outside of the grocery store with her brother happily eating his pack of M&M's as she frowned and looked down at her phone.

"Where the hell is he?" she grumbled.

"Oooo!! Ellie said a bad word!!" Frankie said, making her scoff as she turned her head to him.

"Tattletale," Dani said with narrowed eyes before laughing as he poked his tongue out in retaliation.

The sound of a horn beeping caused them both to look up in hopes of it being their very late father, but instead, Dani scowled as an unfamiliar car pulled up in front of them. A tugging on her hand then caused her to move in front of her brother as she squeezed his hand back, knowing he was already uncomfortable by the situation. Her scowl deepened as the window rolled down to reveal the face of none other than-

"Poopyhead!!" Frankie exclaimed, making Dani snort in amusement.

Jack sighed before settling his eyes on Dani as he asked, "Need a ride?"

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