He was on his knees now, begging the woman he loved to take him back, they hadn't exactly been divorced but Minal felt reluctant, she was not ready to forgive him.

She wanted to say the truth to the court, testify in Zaydaan's favour first and then see the reaction of her husband.

When Zaydaan had met her, for the first time in years..it had felt awkward. It was only after a cup of tea that both of them felt comfortable enough to talk about the recent events.

Minal had promised to help him out and he had promised that he would help her sort everything out with her husband, only if she was ready to forgive him and be with him.

Even though she was in her forties, Minal looked just as beautiful as she used to look. Aaina noticed how the woman had lost weight, how there were wrinkles around her eyes and how she still looked so regal.

"I'd like to call miss Minal Ashfaq." Minal stepped forward, ready to answer any question being thrown at her.

"What were you of the Prime Minister?"

Minal kept a straight face, answering the question calmly.

"We were friends, good friends." She replied.

"And Maria bibi?"

"She was a good worker, Zaydaan's favourite since she always knew what he wanted."

"Did you ever see Zaydaan Sahab ogle her in an uncomfortable way?" He questioned next, she shook her head.

"Never. He was too noble for that. He didn't need to drool over women, women drooled over him anyway. He was an eligible bachelor at that time." She elaborated.

"And is it true that you went with them on several lunches?" Minal let out a small scoff.

"It's the other way around. Zaydaan and I used to go out to eat alot, we were extremely good friends and Maria used to join us at times." She answered.

Minal herself was a bit confused by Maria's stupid allegation. She was such a nice woman that it made no sense to her. Was money really all that mattered?

"How would you describe the relationship between Maria bibi and Zaydaan Sahab?"

"Professional, extremely professional and slightly friendly but nothing over the top."

She replied.

"If you were to tell the truth in front of the entire court, would you say that Prime Minister Zaydaan could have done it or not?" The lawyer questioned, the entire court awaited her response.

Minal simply gave a smile and then shook her head, not agreeing at all.

"Not at all. Zaydaan Ziagil is an honorable man." She testified.

The lawyer had no more questions left to ask.

"Thank you, miss Minal." Minal stood up from her designated seat, going back to the place where the other witnesses were sat.

Rehman Malik, lawyer of Maria bibi and a very famous human rights activist, the man who had always stood by the right people was standing against the Prime Minister today, trying his hardest to prove that Zaydaan Ziagil was not an honorable man.

"Your honor, Miss Minal has been a friend of the Ziagil family for ages. She could lie very easily." He argued.

"So could Maria bibi. It's our job to prove the truth. That's why we're here, Mr Malik."

Azhar Saleh, the Prime Minister's lawyer shot back. Azhar was best of the best, but he was also a close friend of the Ziagil family and that made him much more special to everyone. They knew that it was not just a case for him, it meant much more to him. He had assured Zaydaan that he would do his very best.

Sadqay Humare Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora