Start from the beginning

"Why are you watching it then?" I ask and she shrugs

"Just felt like it" she says and I nod slowly as she turns back to the screen

"I see" I say quietly

"So you're coming from your friend's? The one you're going to be staying with?" She asks, almost hesitantly and I turn to her

"Yeah. He has a spare room and we were fixing that up for me" I answer

"I see" she says only and I nod, turning to the screen briefly before turning back to her

"Are you going to miss me?" I go ahead and joke against my better decision

"I will" she says and my lips part open in surprise.

Excuse me, who am I talking to right now and why is she not giving me some sarcastic reply?

"W...what?" I ask "Did you say you will?" I ask, wanting to be sure I heard exactly what she'd said

"You sound surprised" She says only, not answering my question as her eyes remained on the screen

"I mean, I can't say I'm not a little surprised. You did tell me how you felt about me, it's a bit surprising to hear you say you would miss me after I leave"

"I guess so" she says and I nod, silence once again falling between us.

"I don't hate you" she says and I turn to her  "Despite how I might act" she adds before turning to look at me for the first time since I sat

"I really am sorry about what happened, how I acted and what I said to you. I was being such a huge dick, I know" she continues, most likely not expecting a response from me.

She's right, she was being a huge dick.

"I didn't mean anything I said though, I was just in a really, really bad mood. I guess I like to be alone when I'm not in the greatest of moods and you're just always there unmoving even when I ask you to go and I end up lashing up at you even when its got nothing to do with you"

"Immature, I know but sometimes I really can't help it. As you must know by now, I get upset easily and I'm not very good at controlling my anger but regardless of any excuses, cause that's what all these are, you don't deserve it. Not even one bit" she says and I remain speechless

I wasn't expecting this.

I mean it's Logan.

Not just any Logan.

Logan Donahue.

"Look, you could leave if you want, that's okay but I don't want you to go" she says and my lips part for words but nothing leave and I end up shutting my mouth again

"At least not now and not because I was being an idiot to you. I really am sorry about what happened and you don't have to accept it but I am and I'd love if you continued to stay here" she says

"Really?" I ask, wiping under my eyes.

God, she makes me emotional.

I can feel my heart melting away into a puddle.


"This feels like the movies when the other person goes to the airport and tries to stop the other main character" I say and she chuckles

"This isn't a movie though. This is me asking you right here on this couch not to go just because I pushed you away. Go because you got your own place or have a high paying job instead" I say and I wipe the tears under my eyes as a grin stretches across my lips


"So you'll stay?" She asks

"Yes. If you say we are friends" I say "And mean it"

"I don't want to" she says, turning to the screen

"You have to" I say


"Come on" I say poking her side and she squirms, moving away from my fingers

"No" she says, getting up and walking away

"Logan!" I say, hurrying after her "Say it, say we're friends or I'll go"

"Go then" she says

"No. Say we're friends" I say, following her down the hall


"Fine, let's play one round of rock, paper, scissors to decide" I say and she chuckles

"Go away" she says as I enter her room with her, shutting the door behind me


Cold diamonds 🦋
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