But when Michael also swapped out and stood in the middle I questioned whether I would leave this gym with red hands or not.

Who is this guy, I mean he's Michael, but WHO is he? And what the fuck does he want with me?

"We'll go easy on yah", Michael shouted and I raised an eyebrow taking my hands off my knees and standing up straight.

"Don't", I shouted back catching the ball the gym teacher threw towards me.

I sent a glance over at the other girls and they got into their positions nodding their heads readily at me. I didn't realize playing first meant I would be caught up with all the competitive people, but I guess it worked in my favor- the gym teacher blew the whistle telling us to start.

This was a lot of pressure, for a second I was afraid that I would drop the ball or start crying, but I managed to toss it to the girl in the position to serve and she didn't even hesitate, smacking it out of her hand and launching it over the net, Michael hit it back just as hard and I was surprised, he didn't look like a very athletic person.

I returned the ball hitting it as hard as I could, putting all the power from my legs, up my hips, and into my arms, my hand stung and throbbed after and I shook it as discreetly as possible to get rid of the stinging.

The ball slammed against the ground beside another guy and I said a silent 'yes' looking to my right and left then high fiving some random girl too excited to care who it was.

"Point one girls!", The teacher called blowing the whistle and tossing the ball to me again.

"Let's do this the hard way", Michael smiled and I raised my eyebrows- when did he turn into a cocky bastard?

"Test me", I said laughing still too happy and shocked from me actually getting a point for our team.

I smacked the ball and it went over the net and one of the boys spiked it, but I decided Michael was not going to win today so I dove for it and tapped it back up hoping another girl would save it and thank god a girl jumped over me before going to hit the ball back over the net and I did a little cheer for her from the floor, my knees turning red from the impact.

Michael, left no time for me to even catch my breath or dust off my sore knees and he hit the ball back over and this time I took my turn pushing through my already sore joints from lack of exercise and jumped up and spiked it down and it slammed down onto the ground so hard it bounced away and we all cheered.

"Point two girls! One more point and girls win!"

I high fived the two girls on either side of me with both hands and we complimented each other and patted each other's backs like we were friends. Girls supporting girls is always great.

"Let's do this the hard way", I said in a mocking guy voice putting my hands on my hips while walking over to the net and curling my fingers around the net, "give up yet?"

This game was giving me a boost of confidence that was much needed.

Michael sent me a glare and I flicked him off.

Michael ran towards the net and while I expecting him to stand to the right or left of me he stood directly in front of me making me jar backward.

"I think you should sit out Adara", He said I snorted.

"Are you that afraid to lose", I joked.

"No Adara, I can tell you don't know how to control it", He said seriously like I understood- like he knew what was wrong with me when I didn't even know and my playful smile dropped from my face and my hands fell off the net to my sides, it was like something snapped.

Where does he go telling me what to do? So there is something wrong with me? Something did happen to me?

"I don't know what you're talking about", I spat back turning my back on him before I would jump the net.

Questions, so many more questions than before.


"MICHAEL!", The teacher yelled at him pointing at him to go back to his spot and I did the same now irritated, my head was throbbing and my nerves were going haywire. I was surprised I didn't start twitching and scratching at the back of my neck like a heroin addict.

The gym teacher let the boys serve and we started off slow the ball going rhythmically back and forth at such a boring pace, everyone was probably getting tired, but I was bored so I
decided to speed it up by hitting the ball harder toward Michael, releasing some anger I currently had towards him for whatever reason and it caught him somewhat off guard and he quickly swatted the ball and it barely made it over the net.

I let out a breath, I was getting too hot, I need to cool down, the game would last if I stepped out for a couple seconds and when I turned around to go grab a drinking water one boy spiked the ball and it hit me right in the back of my head and like a heartbeat I felt the heat surge throb through my hands the moment the ball made my head lurch forward.

My heart skipped a beat making me gasp for a breath and I glanced down at my hands with wide eyes. I took a much-needed gulp of water and let out a slow breath.

"Let's do this"

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