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With each stop, the bus filled with more people and I lost the silence that I wished I could have kept.

Was my dream not a dream?

How come I couldn't remember anything then?

I felt sick like I had a fever, I was confused and I wanted nothing more than to just know what the hell happened to me last night.

I wanted to stomp my feet and whine.

I tall girl dressed in bright colors took a seat next to me and pulled me out of my thoughts.

I had to force my eyes in place to keep them from rolling as she looked over at me with such a bright smile that my stomach turned.

"HI! I'm Abbi", she said and held her hand out and I hesitated before taking her hand, I found myself afraid that I might hurt her. How dare she be so happy.

"Are you okay? you look kind of pale", She pointed out.

"I just feel a little sick", I said, it wasn't a lie.

She shook her head and bounced her knee up and down.

"What's your name", She asks after a few beats of silence and I sighed twirling my headphone between my fingers.

"My name is Adara", I said now even more annoyed by her high pitched voice and put my headphones back in overwhelming my self with questions I knew I couldn't answer.

Maybe in a different life, Abbi would be my friend.




I looked down at the paper that says what classes I have and I headed towards my first class with a groan dropping my schedule by my side crumpling it between my fingers.

I walked into a room full of people talking and laughing, I awkwardly walk over to the back of the classroom and sat down placing my backpack on the ground.

I quickly glanced around the room looking for any familiar faces and my shoulder fell, I aimlessly scrolled through nothing on my phone until the teacher walked in, still too distracted by my worries to stare at the cute boy sitting in the corner of the room.

The teacher seemed to not care that it was the first day of school and we went straight into taking notes, in the only notebook I packed might I add. I normally took math notes in a red notebook because math class and red seemed to go together, now I have messy math notes in my only green notebook.

I sighed then tried to twirl my pencil between my fingers, but when I dropped it for the tenth time the girl sitting in front of me turned around and glared at me silently telling me to cut it out- I returned her non-verbal cue with a tight smile. If only she knew I was contemplating my alleged kidnapping maybe she would let me drop my pencil in peace.

While walking around the school and eating a pop tart I somehow convinced myself that my dream was indeed not a dream and I was actually kidnapped by evil scientist who did something to me and now my body is really warm, warm enough to make a puddle evaporate and my hands singed my pop tart when I thought about it too much.

I just ate around it.

I haven't figured out how I got back into my bed but I'm still working on that...

"I'm going insane" I whispered to myself and plopped my forehead on the desk for a second before lifting it back up and sniffing deeply.

At least thinking about it made me feel better, and hotter apparently, like temperature hot.

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