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Damn it's been a while.

Short ass filler chapter.

But, I've been hella with these POV changes.

Michael POV

I watched in horror while Adara disappeared from out the window, I stumbled over to the window and looked down at the pool which was now steaming, Ashton took out the last guy with a weak punch and he hunched over the wall.

We were a little beaten up, but that was completely forgotten as we limped and dragged our feet, tripping over stiff bodies to make it to the door.

I jammed my thumb the elevator button and I groaned loudly- rubbing blood off my temple and bracing on the wall. Calum slammed his fist into the wall and jammed the button again and then again and didn't stop until Ashton grabbed his shoulder and shook his head sharply.


The elevator dinged and we all crowded in

"We get it Calum, you're in love," I jammed his shoulder on the way in and pressed lobby.

"Not right now Michael," Calum gritted his teeth and clenched his bruised fists.

The girl sitting at the front desk was asleep and we shuffled by her and out the door looking both ways before running left- the pool signs leading the way and the smell of chlorine giving me a push to run faster on my throbbing knee.

I was the first to jump in with out hesitation into the boiling water, the pain was hard to ignore while I blindly searched for Adara, finally grabbing her skinny arm and pulling her from the bottom of the pool and to the edge.

Calum grabbed Adara pulling her out and making eye contact with me before he heaved her out the rest of the way. Calum pressed two fingers to her neck then looked up at Ashton in despair.

"I don't feel anything!"

I doubted him-

Ashton pushed Calum away, and pressed two fingers to her neck and without hesitating started to do CPR and I gasped she actually wasn't breathing!- Luke started helping me out of the pool.

My body was hot, too hot, I coughed and laid on my back not being able to help Ashton while I tried to bring my body temperature back to its normal cold temperature. Rubbing water out my eyes and arching my back in pain.

"Come on Adara", Ashton grunted while he pounded on her chest stopping to blow air into her mouth.

I turned to my side and dragged myself closer nudging Calum so I could see her.

We all held our breaths while Ashton blew into her mouth one last time, looking too exhausted to continue chest compression, but she coughed up water and choked and we all sighed in relief. She picked her self up to spit water out, she threw up water for a few seconds before wiping her blue lips and heaving.

"That wasn't fun", She said brushing wet hair out of her face and lifting up her shirt that was now sealed against her skin.

Ashton let out an exhausted laugh and collapsed onto his side and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Let's get the hell out of here"




Adara POV

"I'm just saying Chick Fil A is way better than McDonald's, McDonalds is disgusting", I argued biting into my fry- I swallowed hard and coughed. My throat was still sore from vomiting and choking on water.

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