TWENTY-SIX: Group Chat. [Part Four: GAVIN!!!] |REQUESTED!|

Start from the beginning

North: oh get over it you big baby

Gavin: im not a baby oh my god

Y/N: he's right he's not a baby
Y/N: babies are cute
Y/N: you're not cute gavin

Gavin: not even a little?

Y/N: your personality ruins everything about you, even if you were attractive.

Gavin: shit.

Hank: she's right

Gavin: stfu old man

Hank: im 53 that's not old

Gavin: yes it is
Gavin: OLD
Gavin: MAN

Hank: see this is why fowler will never promote you and you're gonna be a detective for the rest of your life

Gavin: the disrespect-

Hank: i'm disrespectful?
Hank: i'm your superior and you've legitimately been the most annoying person ever (to not only me but literally everyone else) for the entirety of your time at the DPD

Gavin: let's talk about something else, please

Hank: so you're just gonna ignore me like that?

Kara: stop arguing omg
Kara: good god, you two sound like a married couple that wants to divorce but won't "because of the kids"


Kara: am i lying?

Y/N: lmao no, you're not

Gavin: fucking androids man, your so annoying

Y/N: *you're

Gavin: what?

Y/N: you used the wrong form of "you're," idiot

Gavin: does it really matter

Connor: Actually yes, it matters a lot.

Gavin: shut up plastic prick

Y/N: that insult is getting old. maybe you should think of another one that isn't so fucking unoriginal?

Hank: yeah honestly i can't tell you how many times i've heard that one before

Gavin: *sigh*

Markus: im thinking of doing a painting today
Markus: any suggestions?

North: a knife

Gavin: i knew you were gonna say some violent bullshit like that

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