Memories Of Our Own

Começar do início

"Mmh," He pulled away, hugging her tightly. Her arms found their way around his neck as his hands secured around her waist.

"I have something to tell you," She murmured, kissing his chest.

"I do too," He pecked her forehead. (Y/N) smiled, guessing what he was about to say.

"Let's say it together," She placed a finger against his lips, biting her lip shyly.

""Happy Anniversary," They both said.

"Aah," (Y/N) squealed, hugging him tightly.

"I love you sweetheart," He nuzzled her cheek, kissing her skin.

"Let me go get your present," The girl grinned widely, pecking his lips and trying to stand up, "Ahh, ow," a small whine escaped her lips, soon followed by a pout.

"I'll go get it," He chuckled.

"But it will ruin the surprise," Her cute frown remained on her face as he shook her head, smirking.

"Baby, you can't stand, I'll close my eyes, I promise," Donald reassured.

"Okay, it's under the sink in the bathroom, behind my toiletries," She bit her lip nervously. He nodded, strolling toward the bathroom and following her instructions. Pierce came back, keeping his eyes on her and making sure his eyes wouldn't peak at the present.

"Put it on the couch," she instructed, watching him do as he was told, "now come carry me and cuddle with me on the couch," a huge grin appeared on her face.

"Yes ma'am," he chuckled, scooping her gently in his embrace and sitting on the couch, getting comfortable and snuggling with his girl as she cuddled in his chest.

"Go, go, open it!" She encouraged, watching him as he peeled the wrapping off. He opened the cylindrical case, blue eyes widening as they inspected the present.

"Oh baby, you shouldn't have!" He grinned, delicately grasping the sunglasses from the case and examining each intricate details.

"You like it?" (Y/N)'s heart pounded in her chest as she held her breath.

"Baby, I love it,"

"Look, it even has your signature on it, I figured I would buy you a new one since I broke it," She stated shyly.

"We both did sweetheart, remember?" He asked, pulling her waist against his chest.

"Come oooon, Donnie, let's go to the outside jacuzzi!" The girl pulled his arm.

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming," He laughed, pulling his towel from the hanger.

"Hurry, we have so many things to do!" She scurried to the empty jacuzzi, her boyfriend right on her tail.

"It's only 10 am baby, I purchased the whole weekend together," He smiled lovingly, getting into the jacuzzi after her. Sitting down, Donald held (Y/N)'s hips as she straddled his lap, kissing along his cheek.

"Mmh," He bit his lip, letting himself relax in the warm water. The girl pealed the sunglasses off his nose, placing it on hers.

"How do I look?" She grinned.

"Somehow five fucking times hotter," He bit his lip. She giggled, taking them off and kissing him deeply. It was her turn to moan in the kiss as the sunglasses lazily hung from her fingertips, too absorbed in the kiss to realise they were slowly slipping out of her grasp.

(Y/N) gasped, feeling the cold metal leg fall out of her reach and into the water behind her boyfriend.

"No, the sunglasses!" she pulled away, searching the thick water.

"It's okay, let me just finish, we'll look for it after," he muttered, pulling her jaw down and kissing her roughly.

"Mmh," he hummed in content again, sitting down further away from where they were previously to have more space. He felt a small crack under him, frowning in discomfort and drawing back, placing his hand under his butt and feeling around. His fingers laced around the object, pulling it back up to inspect it.

"Oh no!"

"Fuck," He grumbled, scanning over his broken glasses.

"I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault doll."

"It doesn't matter whose fault it is, baby, I'm happy they broke because now I have these better ones!" He cupped her cheek, pecking her lips and placing the sun glasses on. "Now, I would have given you your surprise but since you can't even walk, I'll delay it until tomorrow," Donald placed another peck on her cheek, hugging her tightly.

"What's my present?"

"It's a surprise," He chuckled.

"Please tell me," She pouted.



"No!" He snorted.

"Please tell me it's not like last year's anniversary!"

"As much as I appreciate the effort baby, I'm not enjoying this as much anymore," Her breathing was ragged as she leaned over to catch her breath.

"Why not? The view is beautiful!" He gazed upon the vast dry land that extended upon the horizon.

"Yeah, but the walking and the sun and the heat and everything, I'm over it now," She huffed, leaning against him.

"Hiking is nice," He admitted, "and romantic-"

"There are mosquitoes everywhere," she interrupted, "can we go home and cuddle, I'm going to die!" She groaned.

"I'm sorry baby, I planned this to be exactly when the temperature would be ideal. Didn't expect it to change so suddenly." He chuckled at her discomfort. "Look at us arguing like an old married couple," Donald smirked teasingly.

Her frown slowly turned upside down, despite her internal argument.

Pierce grinned victoriously, hugging her side.

"Eww, get off, you're so sweaty!"

"What was wrong with last year's anniversary?" The cyborg inquired. She gave him an unimpressed look, knowing he was acting innocent. "Yeah, okay, it was pretty bad."

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Donald Pierce x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora