Chapter 39: The Next Step

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It hurt; it hurt so much worse than mount Hakurei even though his demon half had been burned away already. How could it still hurt when he was just a human? He couldn't help but look at his shoulder. The wound had closed but unlike with pass wounds, it did not truly seem to heal.

It still pained him and when touched, pus would leak from it. It told him that infection had set in; this hadn't happened since he was a child but there were none of the healing herb that his mother had used to heal before around. Beside even if he did heal it, it would not stop the pain that he found himself to be in.

It was as if the very air was trying to burn out his lungs from the inside. It felt just like holy power but he had been walking for miles in this and there was no one around.

He had failed her than too, he hadn't been there when she had needed him. He had left her for Kikyo...why was he always making the wrong decisions? Why was he always hurting his loved one and not saving them like he should?

First his mother then Kikyo and now Kagome had fallen in with those that he loved and were killed because he had been too weak to save. He was down one arm but he could still fight, he would be made stronger than he had been in the past. He would save Kagome; he would kill his brother at last

He would end his brother's line and take Kagome away to heal from the trauma that she had no doubt suffered under his brother's care for the last few years. Looking at his shoulder, Inuyasha wondered if Kagome would come to see him as similar to Sesshomaru.

He had truly thought his brother had changed before all of this had begun but he knew now that that wasn't the case.

Sesshomaru was a monster and he put down monsters.


It was slow but the touch of his little Moonflower seemed to almost be healing him of the damage that Kagome had rung onto his body. There was so much that he didn't know yet but knew that he would learn over time. He would learn more about his children just as he would learn more about Kagome after he saved her from herself.

Because he refused to allow any harm to visit upon her, even if the harm came from herself. She was the one thing that matter most to him right beside their children.

Sitting up at last, he picked up Mizuki so as to calm her down more; he noticed how one of his arms were almost completely severed but it wasn't so he knew that it would heal in time. It hurt to see her beautiful eyes red and puffy from crying; it must seem so confusing as well as scary for a child that was barely a year old. This all just whispered to him of how he had been a poor parent to his children, a poor lover to Kagome. He had to change to be what they needed.

He had changed before, it had made him stronger in the end and he would do it again. He would change, he would be better; he would be everything that Kagome needed him to be.

He would show her that he was sorry and that he truly did love her. He would do whatever she needed of him to become the person that she needed in the end, even if it meant his life.

It was when he moved to stand that he noticed it was gone. Bakusaiga was gone. He knew who had taken it without a second thought...Kagome.

He looked down at Mizuki, calm and clinging to him as if she would die if he let her go for even a moment. His child needed his love and care at that moment yet so did her mother. He was a father and that was the most important title that he had ever been given. So what was the course of action he should take? Go after Kagome, to save her with their daughter left here to cry as he did so or stay with his child and allow Kagome to die?

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