Chapter 27: What we will do

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"What is your friend talking about, mother?" Sesshomaru asked, his mind racing to understand the words and their meaning. Kagome was his mate? But how was that possible? He had been told his own life that a human could never be the mate of a demon and yet the Lord Hotaka had seemed quite certain that Kagome was his mate.

He was shocked by how much he desired the other lord's words to be true. He had never felt such a desire for his last mate, Sakura; he had just been resigned to that mating.

He thought of when he had first seen Kagome in his rooms and what a vision she had been to him and how her natural scent was still an intoxication to him. Sakura had never been such to him, she had always been a task or duty meant simply to continue his line and yet, it was the woman that he was coming to realize that he had always wanted that would do that great duty of giving birth to his children.

"I would think that is would be simple to see, Sesshomaru." His mother said as she struggled to stand, he was instantly on guard and held his little girl closer to him. He would kill his mother without another thought if she thought to be a threat to his child.

"It is not, so explain or I will give you a swift end." Sesshomaru growled.

"Tell me, my son...would you die for Kagome?Would you die for her happiness and safety?" He looked at his mother, confused by her questions and knew that he would do so happily for Kagome and their children. They were his world and his life, if they did not exist that his continued existence would be meaningless.

"Of course, she is everything." He answered immediately.

"We demons are odd things. We know our mate, the moment we meet but it takes a great deal of time before we realize what we feel for that other person. Sometimes, the male will even try to kill his female though this is likely to see if she's strong enough to breed with him well. But they fall in love and realize on their own that they are mates...or that's how it had been in the past."

"What do you mean?" he found himself intrigued by what he was being told for he had never heard of it before.

There are so few females of power now that we almost seem like a dying breed upon the ruling class. It's no longer about love and more about breeding children to carry on our's been like this since the jewel of four souls was created and the plague of infertility posioned us all." Sesshomaru glanced down at the baby is his arms, he had know about how few girls were being born and how they were more precious than any son could ever been now.

It only made him see how luck he was to have his children and Kagome. For he now understood what Kagome truly was to him.

He loved her.


Kagome lied down, feeling that she needed to rest a little more after the long birth she had just went through when Sesshomaru walked in with a bundle in his arms that was whimpering. The sight of it had her sitting up but Sesshomaru moved quickly to her side and made her lie back down. "You need to rest, Kagome."

She saw the bundle was a baby with silver hair and blue eyes like Mizuki with the only difference being that the baby had ears like Inuyasha. Her arms ached to hold what was clearly her child. Sesshomaru only gave her the baby once she was lying down, she immediately bared a breast and the baby was all too eager to suckle from her.

"What happened?" she asked without looking away from their child.

"I had noticed the ears and feared that Yumi would not survive long. So I took her away to both save her life and hide her away for a time." He informed her, causing her to look at him and hold their baby all the closer to her.

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