Chapter 20: Wronged

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Sesshomaru stared at Kagome as his eyes started to bleed red. She had no right to strike him like that when he was telling her the truth that it was foolish. Her mother was a woman of noble blood and wouldn't have to work; she would just take care of her children and be thankful of the seed planted in her belly by the husband chosen for her.

Getting up, he left her there in the cave and went to walk in the forest. Gods, he was angry at her, but what could he do? He had taken her to improve their current relationship, but she continued to needlessly fight him for no reason at all. When he was far enough that from her that she wouldn't hear, but close enough for him to listen and go to her if needed; he let his rage free.

As if he would allow his any of his children to become simple-minded. All of his children will be brought up the right way and raised to be intelligent beings that they were meant to be. Kagome had been tainted by the way of an amoral village and would change or have limited her contact with their children. It was not his desire to kept Kagome from their children, but it would be needed if they were to grow up into proper and true demons. He couldn't allow her taint to stain his children, but he didn't want to separate them from her as well.

His claws bit into the trees around him, destroying them in hopes of ridding himself of his anger and worry. He would have wished that she was a princess or a normal human at least; but then she wouldn't be the Kagome that he cared for and desired. He didn't know what to do.


Nori walked down the hall, planning to greet the guests when holy powers suddenly burst out. All the demons in the palance felt and feared the sudden and great power; confused to what was happening Nori ran to it when she realized that it was coming from her rooms.

Mizuki was there taking a nap.

The holy power was flooding through the palace slowly from her rooms, it burned at her skin, but still she ran. Her granddaughter could be in danger or dead from the power and she would never be able to face Kagome or Sesshomaru again if that was the case. But she was surprised that to see that Mizuki was the power source of the holy power that was slowly flooding palace.

The power was overwhelming and shocking to find in such a young child, but that it was holy in nature made her see that more than Kagome's eyes had been born in her sweet granddaughter.


Kagome sighed before getting up, she got dressed before walking to the mouth of the cave; she stared at the forest before her eyes as she wondered what should be her next move. He was out there in the forest; she listened to his destruction and all she wanted was to run away from the hell that came from being near him. But her body refused to take the first step and forced her to stand there and listen to Sesshomaru's rage.

Tear threatened to fall, but couldn't. Her chest screamed in pain with her heart raging at the thought of him coming back and her being forced to take him into her body again. What was the answer, to run or to stay until Inuyasha came for her?

The thought of Inuyasha was the key that unlocked the cage that trapped her tears; she didn't understand why he hadn't come for her yet? Why was he taking his sweet time? He had to know that she had returned to this time and was looking for her, but he had never taken this long before. She could feel resentment and anger slowly burning to life inside of her because of him. It made her feel sick to know that resentment and anger were slowly burning in her as well as her only hope was to be saved by Inuyasha. It was her only hope if she was to escape Sesshomaru's claws with all her children.

She had her powers back, but what good would they do when Sesshomaru could keep her child away from her. Kagome looked outside and knew that she needed to try and take the first steps to change this hell.

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