Chapter 21: Plans

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Kagome awake to feel pain. Her stomach ached horribly for some reason; the flatter that was almost constant had stopped. It shot fear into her heart and yet, she forced herself not to panic. Forgetting about the wounds that he had given her heart and soul, Kagome looked around for Sesshomaru. She needed him to help her, to take her to someone that could help her and their babies.

Her mind whispered over and over that they were dying, that she was going to lose her babies. The terror that gripped her heart at the thought of her babies dying inside her would have caused her panic to take over if she hadn't seen the one thing that she needed most in that moment.

Sesshomaru coming towards her.

He was carrying a basket with some big trout in it; if she had been standing at that moment then she would have fallen to her knees in relief at the sight of her tormenter. "Sesshomaru...something's wrong with the babies."


Walking back to the cave, Sesshomaru hoped that Kagome was still asleep. She seemed so weak and the pregnancy seemed to be harsher on her than the last one. He would have to talk with his mother and see about holding off on having any more children with Kagome for at least a year or two, so that she could recover and handle the next pregnancy better. It was likely for the best as well; he would be able to give her his seed if he was off in battle. She would lose any child that she conceived without him there to give her his his mother had in the past.

He thought of the last time that he had given her his seed. It had been a few days now and she was likely to be overdue; he would have to see about having a session with her after she had eaten.

"Sesshomaru...-" He looked at her instantly, mildly surprised that she awake already. "-something's wrong with the babies."

He froze mid-step at her words. Something was wrong with their children, something that could that they would probably lose them. His eyes turned red for a moment before he dropped the basket and walked over to the bed.

"I am going to go and get healer just in case, I am wrong with what I believe is causing your pain." He had a feel that it had to do with how they had not having enough sex together was the possible cause. But there were concerns that some of their children were half-demon and though, he didn't think he would have the strength to lose any of his children.

"No! please, don't go. Please..." She begged. The fear of losing her children was too great. As much as she wished that he hadn't come into her life or forced this on her, she couldn't bear to lose them and not have him at her side. They haven't been conceived in a manner that Kagome would have wanted, but it didn't make them any less important to her. If she was forced to make a choice of her life and that of even one of her babies, she would slit her own throat without another thought. Sesshomaru knew this and knew that this was weakness that would allow him to aid their children.

"We have to undress you." He said as he pushed the blanket away and started to remove her clothes.

"Why?" She asked as he took to rip the clothes from her body before doing the same with his own. He didn't answer her and simply thrust two fingers into her sheath, make her gasp in shock before moaning as he suckled at her breast. He took himself in hand, making himself hard as his mouth was flooded with Kagome's sweet milk. He needed her as wet as possible and needed to make himself hard for her as well. Normally, he would enjoy the foreplay that he would give her. Make her weep and beg for him to fill her empty sheath, but they needed to plant his seed inside her as fast possible.

The moment that he believed that she was ready for him; he thrust into her sweet flesh. Releasing her breast from his mouth, he stared into her eyes as he thrust into her over and over, watching for any pain that she might feel. But she only gasped and moaned. It was bliss to be back inside her. No other woman had ever felt so right, the way her body begged him for his seed was amazing as always.

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