Chapter 9: Plesure of mine

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"My Lord...I have your and Lady Kagome's breakfast," a servant said through the door, Sesshomaru glanced at it from his place on the futon. He looked back at Kagome; sound asleep from the love making that he had put her through a few hours ago. Her body was more beautiful than when she had been pregnant, her breasts were fuller to feed both his and Mizuki's hunger, her hips a little wider after the birth and he noticed how her body still held the marks of her pregnancy on and around her stomach. The sight of the marks pleased him greatly, know that it was caused by his seed growing within her womb, but in all, Motherhood did good for her lovely body and he wanted his seed to take root within her lovely body again, to grow with it again.

To hold the life that she had just birthed for him again.

Carefully getting up, he felt put out as he put something on before he went to the door and took the food from the servant, he asking how his daughter was. He was worried about how Mizuki was without her mother, he knew his little girl was fine to be around other during the day, but she always slept with her mother at night. "The Lady Mizuki is well, my Lord. The Lady Nori is having her feed at the there anything that you wish for me to get you, my Lord?"

Sesshomaru thought about that for a moment...before telling the servant of the things that he wanted brought to him. Sesshomaru carried the food over to the futon, eating his food first, he enjoyed the view of Kagome's body...covered in his seed. Her body was covered in love bites as well, he grew hard at the mere sight of her, but resisted in the urge to take her sleeping form...she needed to eat and be punished for her disobedience to him, and he knew the perfect way too. As soon as he was done, he moved to wake her. "Kagome...Kagome, wake up." He whispered softly into his ear, but she didn't wake up to his amusement.

Mindful of the soreness that Kagome would be in, he gently spread her legs and started to gently play with her clit. Kagome moaned quietly in her sleep as he continued to play with her body, "Wake up, Kagome. You need to eat before we play again." He whispered into her ear again before hi nibbled on it, slowly waking Kagome up. Kagome awoke to the felt of Sesshomaru playing with her body again...the disgust that she felt grew as he continued to play.

"Stop...I don't want...this, Sesshomaru." She said her voice raw from the screaming when he played with her body last night. Sesshomaru frowned at her was clear that her lesson needed to continue, well it seems that it had been a good thing that the servant was bring back something to help him. Taken his hand away, he turned her head to look at him, Sesshomaru took Kagome in another savage kiss that sent pleasure screaming throughout her body. "you still have not learned your place, Kagome if you desire me to stop." He told her, just as a servant knocked on the door.

"Eat," he ordered as he grabbed a Yakata and tossed it on her after he had got up. Kagome put it on as Sesshomaru did the same before answering the door to allow a number of servants in. "I will be back in a while, Priestess. I expect that you will be done with your meal when I return," Sesshomaru stated as he walked out her rooms, planning to get some work done and see how their daughter was as the servants set to work.


"Oh, you are too perfect, my little Moonflower!" Nori squealed in utter delight of her granddaughter, who was splashing her little hands in the koi pond of the harem's garden. But she was a little surprised that Mizuki was in such a playful mood since she had refused to feed from the wet nurse, it worried her that her little granddaughter did not eat. Mizuki normal bottomless hunger was full the moment she tried to feed from the wet nurse. "Mother," Sesshomaru greeted when he sat down beside her in the gardens, he was glad to see his little Moonlight in her grandmother's arms.

"How is my little Moonlight today?" He asked his little girl as he took her from his mother's arms. "Worrisome, my son. She refused to eat her dinner and breakfast...I think it would be best that Kagome feed her in a little bit. It not healthy for this sweet girl to miss meals," his mother muttered as he moved some hair out of his little girl's eyes.

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