Chapter 19: Daughter

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Kagome lied there, staring at the ceiling before looking at Sesshomaru, who slept beside her. She did not know what to do at this point in her life. She stared at him, watching him sleep as she thought of her life up to this point. She thought of the battles and the odds that she had overcome with her friends, but she didn't do that anymore. She had become that bird trapped in the master's cage of gold and silver. Where had her old self gone? She had gone into battle countless times with her bow and arrows unafraid of the next moment and lived in the now...but it had changed. Why? Why did she change?

She watched Sesshomaru in his sleep, his face did not hold the peaceful look that it normally, it was different this time. It looked like he was in pain and he didn't habe her trapped in his arms like she normally would be. She was fine with that, but the look on his face had her concerned for him and made her want to reach out for him. Instead she moved to get out of bed, but a hand grabbed her hand and stopped her.

Kagome turned her eyes to have ocean blue meet gold. "Can I help you with something?" she asked calmly and without the venom in her voice. Sesshomaru looked at her for a moment before taking his hand from hers and pushing some of her bangs from her eyes. Her bangs were often in her eyes now and her hair had grown since their days of travel to kill Naraku. It made her look older and lovelier than in the past, but he wondered why he didn't notice before. "I want to get to know you and learn about you," he said softly. She looked at him and wondered why he was saying this? Why did he want to know when he wasn't going to change?

But she saw something in his eyes that willed her to talk with him. "What do you want to know?" She asked as she moved to lie back down with him. Sesshomaru wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly to him as he stroked her hair. "How did your parents meet?" he asked softly as he gently rubbed her swelling stomach, hoping that he would soon feel them move inside their mother's womb.

"They met when my mom was out to get her wedding dress for her upcoming wedding. My dad had worked at this-"

"Your father worked? I thought you said that he was a priest, why would he work?" Sesshomaru asked. He was confused now, her father was a priest, did work, but not wealthy and had a noblemen's daughter for his bride, one that had been meant to marry another as well. Kagome frowned at Sesshomaru, confused. "It's not uncommon for a priest to work where I'm from and he wasn't a priest...he was descended from priests, priestesses and shrine keepers."

"Where are you from?" He asked her; he had realized that he had never asked her that and wondered why he didn't. Kagome looked at him for a moment before thinking of how she should answer since she didn't think it would be a good idea to tell him that she was from the future. She didn't trust him like she did her friends or Inuyasha; she didn't know if she would ever trust him in anything. "My village is near the Well."

"...Why do you feel the need to lie to me, Kagome?" he asked calmly as he moved a hand to stroke her face. He couldn't understand why she was lying to him; he wasn't her enemy, but she almost always treated him as if he was. He didn't like it, but he would allow it until the babies were born, then it would be stopped. She looked him in the eye and asked. "What do you want to hear then?" He frowned at her words and the tone that she had as well; why did she insist on being so difficult in everything. "If you do not desire to tell me then, ask me a question."

Kagome just looked at him, surprised for a moment before she started to think of a question to ask him. When it hit her good and hard, "How do you think we should raise our children?" Sesshomaru was a little surprised by her question, but saw no reason not to answer it. "All our children will be trained for battle an-"

"Why? Why must our babies be trained for battle? What if they want to never shed blood unlike their father?" She interrupted. Kagome didn't and refused to let her children be trained to be soldiers that would be slaughter others at their father's order as she carried another batch waiting to be born for that fate. Sesshomaru rolled on top of her with his frown deepening. "They are my offspring, Kagome and they will be trained and will fight by my side in battle. They are also aren't growing humans in that womb of yours and they will desire to shed blood like we all do," He growled at her before moving down her body to nuzzle her stomach.

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