Chapter 13: Sweet Music

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Kagome sat on Sesshomaru's Futon, waiting for Sesshomaru to come to her. Naked except for a thin silk cover to cover herself, Kagome hated waiting for Sesshomaru to come to her like a sacrifice waiting to die. She wanted to get the breeding session over with, but she also wanted to talk to Sesshomaru about the deal that she had come up with during the torture session that his mother called preparations for their breeding session.

Getting tired of sitting on the futon, she got up and walked to the balcony; to her surprise...a Koto sat awaiting her. Kagome frowned at the musical instrument; she was not Sesshomaru's damned songbird. She needed to get away from this hell that she was in, she to be free from this place, she hoped that this deal that she planned to make with Sesshomaru worked. But then she didn't know if he would take the deal, though she didn't doubt for a moment that he would keep his side of it. Walking to the Koto, she sat down and started to play.


Relief filled Kagome as the stress was expelled from her body, healing her in a way that she enjoyed greatly. It was a freedom that she held with her fingertips that plucked the strings of the Koto, this was the defiance that she hungered for. Tears can to Kagome's ocean blue eyes as she played the violent and painful melody, the music screamed to the world that she was there and that she wasn't about to give up on her freedom.

This was the voice that would not be silenced, each stroke of the thread, every note of the melody was her pain and her anger turned into the power that was held from her use. This was her freedom, this was the freedom of her soul...and Sesshomaru as well as his mother couldn't be able to take it from her. Kagome suddenly stopped; mid-pull of her next note when she was filled with the burning desire that came from that damned aphrodisiac and when Sesshomaru was near her. The question was though, when had Nori slipped her the aphrodisiac?

Her body burned for his touch and Kagome couldn't resist the moan that an escaped her lips when his arms suddenly wrapped around her and pulled her to him. Her body was on fire when he slowly took the silk cover off of her. "Sesshomaru...a word, please?" She said, her core becoming wet from him playing with her breasts. Sesshomaru released Kagome from his arms, though he didn't want to.

The smell of the sweet honey between her lovely thighs called to him like the sound of her music had. It was odd, because the more time that he got to be around his little concubine, the more it seems like she was becoming a drug to him and the effects were quite...pleasant.

He had bedded many beings before her, and not even his own mate had the same effect as Kagome had on him. Getting up, he moved away from, wanting the space so he could resist the urge to take her right there, though he started to undress as to seduce her. "Sesshomaru, what am I to you?" She asked him in a calm voice that surprised him a little. He looked at her face and into her ocean blue eyes; he knew what she was asking and wondered how much long she would fight her fate. "You are my concubine; you are the mother of my child and the mother of my unborn children."

Blue fire blazed in her eyes with the lust that was already there from his touch. "Then let me ask my question in a different way...what well, I be to you when I can't have anymore children? Can I ask you to release then?" Kagome asked, hoping that when she was too old or a pregnancy had been too hard on her, and become barren that he would release her from this hell; if she lasted that long. Sesshomaru looked at her and wondered of what nonsense that she spoke of; she would never become barren to his seed since she was now immortal like him.

"You can't become barren and even if you did, I would never let you go because of that." He told her, seeing the fire be washed away with confusion and the lust turned to worry. He wondered what he had said that caused this reaction in her, women who weren't prostitutes should have feared the thought of being barren, but it seems that Kagome wished to be so. "What are you talking about? One day, I'll be too old to have any babies." She whispered, almost as if she was reassuring herself of the fact.

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