Chapter 10: Torment of others

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Sesshomaru lied back, holding Kagome to his chest, let Kagome's body rest from their brutal heaven session and enjoyed the scent of his seed soaked into her lovely skin. Even in her sleep, Kagome had moan and gasped as he had enjoyed her sweet body, he had liked how she hadn't protested because she was asleep. He listened to her heartbeat, enjoying the sound of it until he noticed that it was getting slower. "Kagome," he said, hoping to wake her from her deep slumber.

But she didn't answer him; the poison was working its deadly magic on her body. It rushed through Kagome's veins like an animal chasing down its prey, ripping through her body and organs as it made her sleep. It was going to give her a death that would turn painful when it was too far gone to be cured.

"Kagome, wake up." Sesshomaru ordered, he didn't like how she wasn't responding to him and worry started to fill him as the seconds went by. So the worry was too much for him, quick to get dressed, Sesshomaru went in search of his mother and daughter to have the taken care of. He found them in his mother's rooms; his mother and her handmaidens seemed to be playing with some of the thousands of stuff dogs that she had made for his child. His little Moonlight watched as her grandmother and her handmaidens put on a little play with the toys for her, giggling when one of the stuff dogs come up to her and act like it was licking her face; Sesshomaru watched his little girl, happy that she was content at the moment and grateful to Kagome for birthing their little perfection.

Nori didn't even notice her son as she and her handmaidens put on a little play for her wondrous little granddaughter, who watched them with delight playing in her beautiful ocean blue eyes. "The one doggie played in the meadow with her mother and father all day long," Nori said before tickling her little granddaughter with the stuffed animal. "Mother."

Nori was surprised by the sight of her son then look back at Mizuki and the stuffed animal in her hand before looking back at her son again, and tossing the stuffed animal over her shoulder like it had never been there. "Sesshomaru, do you need something?" His mother asked as she picked up his daughter as he eyed her...Sesshomaru was a little weirded out that his mother had acted like that with his little girl. "I'm worried about Kagome's health...her heartbeat seemed slower than normal. I want you to have the physician check on her health as I do something work." Sesshomaru said before snatching Mizuki from her grandmother to spend some daddy and daughter time alone.

Nori frowned at her son for a moment as he walked away with his daughter in his arms.


Sakura's spy smiled when it saw Sesshomaru leave his concubine's rooms and begin his search for his mother and child. It slipped into the rooms and looked over its work, Kagome sleep on her futon, her heart slowing to a stop because of the poison before it would wake her from her peaceful slumber to giving her a horrifying death. After checking that everything was going as needed with the poison, it turned and left before anyone would notice that it had been there to begin with.

Moving quietly, it moved through the palace and gathering knowledge for its other master, Lord Takashi when it felt the summons of Lord Takashi.


Nori wasn't sure what was wrong with Kagome, but had the physician come and tend to her until she realized that he was a stupid fool that didn't know what was wrong with her son's concubine. The fool was wasting time that could be used to save the mother of her granddaughter and future grandchildren. She took pleasure in kill the worthless fool before going to Sesshomaru about the current problem of Kagome's health; she refused to settle with just one matter how prefect the little sweetie was.

Rushing to her son, she tried to think of who would want Kagome gone. Nori doubted that it would be the other Lords, they had seen Kagome birth a full demon female, so they knew that she was too important to simply kill her like she was a mere human. The Lords would want to take her and use her until she couldn't give birth anymore...or died in the process of birthing. The only ones that she could think of that would want Kagome gone was that stupid mate of her son's and the Ladies of the other Lords, after all no one would want their child to placed second by a concubine's child.

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