Chapter 34: Where did things go wrong?

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She didn't know why she had let him hold her in sleep but she found it hard to sleep now without him. She didn't like that she couldn't sleep without his arms around her or him being near her. It was if as her body had been trained to only feel safe when he was there with her.

Yet for longest time it had felt like he was both her enemy as well as her ally. He had once been her ally and friend before all this began but that felt so long ago now.

Only two years but it felt like a lifetime instead.

She stared out at her oldest play on the grass, she wondered if her daughter would end up like her. Once so innocent and happy with life but then suddenly poisoned by the hands of others.

"You're lost again." Sesshomaru whispered at her side.

She turned her head to look at him, seeing that he was at her side and looking at her with concern in his golden eyes. She knew that he wanted her to say something to him, to say anything to him since she hadn't been talking to anyone since their last fight.

"I don't want you hurt, Sesshomaru. I want us to understand each other and for this hurt to stop."

He had stared at her for the longest time after she had said that to him and then he left her alone for the rest of the night. He hadn't slept beside her since, and she would have been so happy before but sleep wouldn't come to her. It evaded her, keeping her on the edge and allowing her to see unnatural things.

Gods, she feared for her mind.

"Where did you go, Kagome?" He whispered into her ear.

It was when she felt a tug on her hair that Kagome noticed Sesshomaru was holding his little clone, Akihiro. Her son stared at her with such bright eyes like she was the most amazing thing in the world. She smiled at her son and knew that she needed to talk with Sesshomaru.

It was the only way she would stay sane and her children needed her to be so for their sakes. She had promised herself, and her children that she would be stronger like her mother after all. "Nowhere...just lost in thought."

"You have been becoming lost in thought quite often lately." He commented softly.

"There's been a lot to think about, Sesshomaru and there's a lot that needs to be prepared before we go."

She knew that he hoped that she would stay behind and continue to watch over their children but Kagome knew that she couldn't do that. She needed to go and stop the threat to her babies herself. But that meant that they needed to find someone to keep their children safe until they returned to them.

"We need to get someone to protect them...maybe my friends could do it."

"Agreed and I do not think it is wise to ask your friends to take care of our children while we are gone."


Kagome knew that Sango and Miroku would be more than willing to take care of their children if not then they would join their fight in a show of friendship as well as support of her. It would be good to see them too. Sango would be there to be a shoulder to cry on and Miroku would give her sage advice that made her feel better about the problems that she showed in her life.

"I do not want Inuyasha around our children." He told her calmly.

But she had seen the flash of red that had been in his eyes for just a moment yet showed no other sign that he was otherwise displeased. Kagome knew that he was very good at hiding things and feelings had always been one of those things.

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