Chapter 3: Baby

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Kagome was escorted back to her rooms by Sesshomaru's mother and four male servants; she frowned, wondering what they were going to do to her next. She glanced down at her stomach and placed her hand on it. "Don't worry, if you're not with child then I tell Sesshomaru and you both will have another breeding session." Sesshomaru's mother said calmly, Kagome let her hand drop from her stomach, she didn't want to be fucked by Sesshomaru again and she didn't want to be pregnant either though. "And if I am pregnant?" Kagome asked, Sakura's words echoed in her mind.

"Then you will be sleeping Sesshomaru's rooms until you give birth. Sesshomaru will have a breeding session with you every night until you give birth; if he doesn't then the baby could become weak and die in the birthing. We don't know why, but the mother isn't seeded almost every night of the pregnancy then the baby will die and you could die with it." Sesshomaru's mother explained, her mind suddenly filled with all of her failed pregnancies, her mate had been battle so often and she had to make do with male servants to try and insure their survival. Kagome stared at Sesshomaru's mother, she didn't want this, but it didn't seem like she had a choice in the matter.

The servants opened the door for them to reveal the physician from before, Kagome was going to take a step back and leave, but Sesshomaru's mother grabbed her arm. "you can have it the easy way of where the servants outside and the physician checks to see if you carry my grandchild or the hard way of the servants grabbing your body and hold you down as the physician does his job. What is your choice, Kagome?" she asked her, Kagome looked at her before breaking her arm free from the demonesss hold and turned to return to the garden.

"Hard way then." The servants grabbed Kagome took her into her rooms and lied her down on the futon before ripping her clothes from her body. Spreading her legs apart, the physician began his painful probing again, smelling her core and licking the juices; Kagome struggled wanting this to stop.

"Well, as far as I call tell, my Lady, the priestess is pregnant. I'll have to check on her in about seven days from now and I think she should have an immediate breeding session with Lord Sesshomaru. She was seeded two days ago; she'll need that breeding session if she's not to miscarry the babe within as well as be marked by our Lord and she needs a lot of raw meat." The physician told Sesshomaru's mother as the servants let Kagome go. Kagome's cheeks were bright red she hated this, she wanted to be home or with Inuyasha instead of having this happen to her. "Thank you, I'll see to it that Sesshomaru has a breeding session with her immediately and that she eats the meat as well."


Sesshomaru walked his rooms, quite happy from the news that he had been given from his mother. His seed live and grew now within Kagome's womb, he was to be a father and the thought alone had him hungry for Kagome's flesh, needed to mark her to insure the health of his child...he was more than happy to do so. When he entered his rooms, he frowned at the sight of the uneaten raw meat and Kagome under the blankets of his bed.

He picked up the tray of raw meat and moved to the bed, setting down the tray, he opened his mouth to chew the raw meat before he looked at Kagome, asleep in his bed and nake too. His sexual hunger for her had his beast roaring at him to fuck her and mark her, but he resisted as he kissed her, forcing the raw meat into her mouth and waking her up. She tried to force him to stop and let her go, but he didn't stop or move his lips from her until he heard her swallow the meat. "Why did you doing that?" she asked when he pulled his lips a few mere inches away from hers. "Our child needs the meat and I will not have you deny it what it needs because you do not like it." He said before getting more to chew and force down her throat.

Kagome felt disgusted, but didn't fight him, she didn't want to kill the little life growing inside was her baby in the end. She also didn't want to do these breeding sessions with Sesshomaru, but she would for that little life because she knew, somewhere in her heart, she already loved her unborn. It was so weird to her, learning that she was pregnant days after being fucked by her baby's father and only hours later; she knew that she loved it. God, she was a weird chick...then again, she was the only girl that she knew who could travel from the future to the past.

Sesshomaru  x KagomeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ