Chapter 15: Blossom

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Kagome sighed as she glared at the physician before she stripped and lied down on the futon. The physician walked closer to her as she pulled her legs apart, she never stopped glaring at him, resisting the powerful urge to purify the asshole into ash. Kagome moved to pull away when she felt the painful probing of the physician's fingers, but the four servants were quick to hold her down; it always hurt so bad, but Kagome refused to cry. "Still tight like before...that's good, Lord Sesshomaru will like the feel of that, I'm sure." Kagome frowned at the physician's words; she didn't want Sesshomaru to like anything about her at all.

Nori listened and nodded, knowing that was good for birthing. The physician moved his head to her core and started smelling it before he started to taste her, Kagome almost gave into the desire to purify the damned physician right where he stood. But she needed to know...was she pregnant again, or was she lucky enough to not be. "The seed of our Lord is truly strong." The physician said, making Nori smile happily and Kagome look to her in confusion...hoping that she was wrong in what she thought those words meant.

"You did well, Kagome. I'm sure that Mizuki will be happy to be a big sister," Kagome paled at the demoness's words. She didn't want to be pregnant again; she didn't want to carry Sesshomaru's baby again. Tears came to Kagome's eyes and she had no control in stopping them.


Sesshomaru smiled at the good news of Kagome being pregnant again as he walked to her rooms. It was good that she was pregnant again, it meant that the other Lords would have no interest in taking her to their beds and out of his hold...he still wanted to kill them for that, and he would in the future, but not now. He wanted his family to grow, to have his seed take root in Kagome's womb; he wanted his children to grow safe and happy with their mother and him at their side to guide them into the future. But to see that Kagome remained with him...but the Lords would not allow him to simply keep her at his side.

The smile faded at the thought of when she gave birth again. As soon as her body was ready to let seed take root again, the other Lords would start to bid for her. He wouldn't be able to hold onto her without the Lord thinking that he was taking after his father; they would take her away in a heartbeat if they thought she was changing him.

Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks, was she changing him? He stood there and wondered if she was, and why it was happening now? He started to walk again, but frowned now as he questioned what Kagome was doing to him and if he should be worried. He had no desire to be under the control of a woman, but that didn't mean that he didn't see reason to why he wouldn't go to war for said woman.

Pushing the thoughts away, Sesshomaru continued his walk to her rooms. He found her there, lying on her futon with her hand on her stomach as she stared at their daughter that slept on the futon with Kagome. She felt lost in a sea of despair, doing everything in her power to not drown in the water that threated to take her under.

Sesshomaru walked around her carefully, like a hunter stalking his prey. Her eyes didn't look at him, but he knew that she knew he was there with her, sawing her. Kagome simply ignored him, too tired to do anything about him at the moment, she wanted to be left alone with her baby and her thoughts, but it was clear that that wasn't going to happen. "What do you want, Sesshomaru?" Kagome asked with no hatred or venom in her voice, she felt too tired to hate him and simply wanted to rest with her little girl. But her mind was too full to let sleep come to her.

"I came because of the good news. You deserve a reward for getting pregnant and for birthing our daughter." He said, plan to surprise her. "I don't want a reward; I just want you to leave me alone. I'm feeling tired," she muttered as she gently moved some hair out of Mizuki's face. Kagome smiled at her sleeping baby, the cute face of her little girl seemed to give her some energy, though she still feel like she had been walking for days without sleep or a break. She was tired and she felt so broken inside in so many ways, she just felt like she being dragged to the bottom of the ocean and no matter how hard she fought, she couldn't get loose of the hold on her.

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