Chapter 36: Monster

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"Come, let's go and find your father." His mother informed him as she released him from the hug.

He nodded and followed his mother out of the gardens but he could not help but look back where he had seen Kagome. The poor woman had seemed to worried and scared when he had approached her daughter. What could make such a woman so worried?

She had been happy one minute and then so hostile to him in the next as if she saw all men as her enemies. What could make a woman like that? It made him want to go to her, to hug her and tell her all would be alright but there was no such guarantee in life so it would be wrong of him to say so to her.

It was a pity that no one until now had been there to help her. "Have you known her long, mother?"

"Known who?" She questioned back.

"Kagome, mother. I'm trying to understand how a person can become so hostile like she was...she was so gentle and loving to her kids then she was like a beast from hell when she saw me near her kid."

It was abnormal in his opinion. Sure, he had been around hostile women before but usually took a word or two before they started snarling at him. It was not something that made him wonder how bad it was in the world of the mortals.

"She's a mother and you are a stranger, Saburo. Strangers are everywhere in her home and they are all threats to her and children...I would have done the same if you were still just a little baby in her place." Rie informed him.

But he knew that it was more than just that. It felt as if his mother knew nothing about the woman and didn't know how to say so. Yet he knew that could not be the case since his mother had always been a strong supporter of protecting priests and priestesses.

He saw something though, a hesitation that he had never seen before when he looked at his mother and talked with her about Kagome. Saburo wondered if his mother was unintentionally distancing herself from the situation but he could not understand why she would do that.

"What do you know about her, mother?" He questioned when they reached the palace gates.

Taking his mother into his arms, Saburo took off into the sky at his mother's directions. He questioned her again when she had avoided his question the first time but she remained silent on the matter. It was her way of telling him to drop the subject.

Rie had done it to him for as long as he could remember. If she did not wish to talk about something that she would stay quiet it about it as if that would make it disappear. It was something that he had always hated as a child and he had always seemed to be the only one that noticed besides his father.

"Why do you always do that?" He muttered when she still say nothing on the subject.

"Do what?"

"Go quiet when you don't want to talk about something with me or the others. You have been doing it since I was a kid." He grumbled at her, which had his mother staring at him for minutes after he had spoken to her.

"You just answered your own question, Saburo. You were a kid and somethings should not be discussed with or around kids." She informed him calmly.

He frowned at that. He had not been a kid in years and didn't really enjoy being called one now even if it was in an indirect manner. He even told her so and she just laughed at him before stroking his cheek as she liked to do now and then.

"You are not a parent yet, Saburo. To a parent, their kids never really grow up. They stay the same adorable babies that they had once been even when its clear to all that they are adults."

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