Chapter 43

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New Earth- Chapter 43

"Guess what?" I nudged Jesus. "What?" He replied. "Basically, in the morning, it will only be 9 more days!" I jumped and let out a small giggle. "Hey, we are so close you know, we can definitely make it, I know we will." We both smiled at each other and took our positions, we both nodded and separated. It was very quiet after that, no movement. So I just looked out to see if anything, and stared at the moon, what a beautiful sight to see. The stars twinkled so bright and nicely, I flashed back to my childhood, My dad pointing out the stars in the sky, and together we named the constellations. Then I went back to reality. I just sat there, looking out, but thinking. 'I hope that my family is alright' was all I could think. 'My baby sister' I thought, and I laid my head on a wall and flashed back, we were laughing as I chased her around the slide, she tripped and scraped her knee, and starting crying. I made funny faces to amuse her while I cleaned and bandaged her cut, she just laughed and giggled and hugged me. Then we resumed playing. I then went back to reality again.

Before I knew it, it became morning, my thoughts had driven time out the window. Jesus came as I stood up. "Morning," He smiled, "9 days, 9 more wonderful days, well, it will be wonderful when we leave." He thought to himself for a momemt, then looked up and smiled at me again. "Yah, I can't wait to get out of here." I said with a smirk. I heard noises so I walked out the room, everybody but the little girl was up. Serenity was brushing her hair and running her fingers through them, and Jack was sitting and talking with Michael. Everything seemed fine so I went outside. I walked around a courtyard looking at all the nice flowers and plants and trees. 'That man must have put lots of money in this place', I thought to myself. I was called in, so I left the courtyard. "What's up?" I asked and everyone looked at me. "We got a signal, from the others, they found the channel." Jack's face was lightened and so my faced glowed with a smile. "Really, where are they? Are they okay?" I asked questions and Jack said, "They're fine, I'm directing them here right now so we can meet up again." Jack said. "Wow, this is just aweosme." Jesus said. "We will be a family again." Serenity added. All of us were happy, but Michael had no idea what was going on as he was in the room with his daughter. "Hey, go check on them, will ya." Jesus told me. "Ok, ok." I checked up on them to see him holding her and saying they will be alright, they stopped talking as I walked in. "Hey, the others are on their way, and I just wanted to see if you guys were okay." I joined my hands in front of me.

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