Chapter 32

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New Earth- Chapter 32

We ran to the house. As we got in we were all packing our stuff and putting it in the two cars. "Danny, Marcus, and Chad! You guys take one car, don't forget your walkie-talkies! Go!" I shouted while rushing to the car I'm going to drive. "The rest of you are with me." I say as I get into the drivers seat. The guys already opened the garage and left. I accelerated backwards and hit a couple roamers. Then drove away as quick as I could. "That. Was. Close" Serenity said. "Way too close, we could have died there." Jesus said. "But we didn't, right. Now lets just focus on getting someplace safe for now. Hand me the walkie-talkie." I say while holding one hand out and steering with the other. "Here" Jesus puts the walkie-talkie in my hand."Hello, guys, where are you?" I called for them. I listened for a few minutes. But there was no answer. Bot even static. "Dammit!" I slammed the walkie-talkie down on the arm rest. Serenity jumped a little. "We lost them, now we don't know where they are, if they're injured, or if they're dead." I hold my head, and brush back my bangs that were in my face. I exhale frustratedly. "Great, what are we going to do now? We have nowhere to go.... wait. Jack!" Jack jumped. "Huh!" "Were you asleep?" I ask him. "Im sorry, but I'm tired." He rubbed his eyes and sat up. "Jack, where was that house? Maybe we can find the others there." I ask him and start thinking. "Oh, the house, just turn onto this road here," He directed me. "And make two lefts and its not easy to miss." He explains the house to me. I pull up to the driveway, I look back and see no roamers, I must have lost them. "They're not here." Jesus said. "Oh no. We lost them!" Serenity added. "Who? And what do you guys mean by 'lost' them." Jack butted in. "We can't get to the others, we called for them, but they didn't reply. We all have no idea where they are. And they're not here." I said as i got out the car.

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