Chapter 23

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New Earth- Chapter 23

"Hey, Kelee, its done!" Chad tells me. "Ok, let me see." I walk over to the den. "Wow, it looks great and perfect for us to sleep on tonight. Ok, to be safe, the lightest people sleep on the top bunks, heaviest on the bottom. Now who wants to take the first shift?" "I'll do it. I did all that work so I'm wide awake, I wont be able to sleep so might as well." Chad calls out. "Ok, are you sure?" I asked concerned. I don't want him to fall asleep on the job, and he needs rest too. "Yeah, I'm sure." He confirms. "Is anyone going to work a shift with him?" I asked everyone. "Yeah, sure, I'll take a shift. I'm not tired anyway." Jesus says. "Ok, but make sure that you stay fully alert. If anything happens, like if you see something move, or you see people, you wake me up. Don't just let it go. Something like that could cost us our whole survival." I make sure that Jesus knows what he's doing because we can't afford for him to make another mistake. He forgot to check one place and we almost died. "Ok, the rest of you, good night. Sleep, get some shut-eye because we will need it in case if tomorrow we have to be on the road again. Clear?" I say, commanding for a response. Everyone replies, "Crystal" and "Yes". I pat Chad and Jesus on the shoulder before I go to sleep. Jesus nodded and Chad smiled. I went to the bunks and I went to the top. I layed and saw Serenity staring across from me on the top bunk. She smiled and waved, I waved back. Then, she turned herself around and went to sleep. Meanwhile I stared up at the ceiling until my eyes were forcing themselves shut. I let them shut and dozed off. When I got up, I saw that Serenity was no longer across from me, but she tidied up her bunk. I slow went down, and looked, no one was there. I slowly got down, and then I was acting like a secret agent, when I heard soft mumbling. I saw it was everyone and walked into the room. "Hey, sleeping beauty woke up guys." Jesus said. I rolled my eyes as everyone laughed. "Why didn't you guys wake me, or tell me you were not in bed? I nearly got an anxiety attack. I thought something happened and you left me." I said almost bursting in tears. But I held them back because I wanted to not let them know how soft I am. Leaders shouldn't be soft, they should be the role-models and the ones who are independant. The one that the pack depends on. "Hey, calm down, we just didn't want to wake you. You deserve some good rest after all that happened. Plus, you looked all comfortable and adorable." Marcus said. I laughed. "Ok, well we have another day to survive. Serenity, I'll take you outside later to train you, you need to learn quick. But we wont deal with guns, those are only for emergencies. The gun shots will draw them here and we will get closed in." I explained. "Ok, I'll be ready. And, I'll try my hardest." She said in a tone that was very confident.

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