Chapter 36

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New Earth- Chapter 36

We drove into a train station. The tracks were wide enough for us to pass through. As we got to the outside of the train tracks, we reached regular ground level. We had finally made it out of town. We looked around. "Jack, do you know where to go?" I asked him. "Of course, I used to work here, that's why I know this place so well." Jack answered. "I know exactly where to go now. The place That we're going to is really safe." He assured us.

When we arrived, it was a mansion. The mansion was at the edge of the town, and very fancy. "This place has so much security, there's lasers everywhere, and they're dangerous. But I know how to get in." He seemed very exited. The others were amazed at the sight, and I was also. But, I've never really seen this side of Jack. As Jack led us in the mansion safely, we came to a courtyard. It was a beautiful sight, and what made it more special, was that I had never before set a foot in a mansion or its property. "Wow, this is awesome." Jesus said as he looked around. "It is wonderful, but we can't get caught up in it. This is not the right time to carelessly prance around this property." I snapped out of the trance this place put me in.

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