Chapter 9

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New Earth- Chapter 9

"Okay, park the car in the garage and then we have to get the house ready for the night, in case if the roamers come." I ordered him, then he nodded. I went inside and then he came in soon after. He brought the guns in a big bag. We both carefully placed them in secret spots where no one would ever think to look. Then we boarded the windows just in case. And put non-peek curtains on the windows so no one would see that we were there and try to break in. "Ok, I think we are done!" Jesus said happily. "No, not yet, we have to check the whole house for any roamers and lock every door possible in this house." I said to him. He nodded and we did the exact thing. We were finally able to sleep. I slept on the couch, and he slept on the floor. In the morning I woke up to our pet growling, or whatever they do, I think its groaning, I don't know. I looked through the boarded windows in a small hole. I saw people walking, it was the men who were arguing in the store. They were going to walk up to the house when they saw our pet. One got his weapon ready to kill him. I unlocked the door quick and screamed "Don't kill him! If you do, You and your friends will end up roamers, and my new pets!" The man got startled and dropped his weapon. He asked me, "What are you doing here? And why is he your pet?" He was scared of me, I could tell. "I know if someone or something passes by when he goes crazy trying to eat it." He looked at me and said, "That's smart but how did you get him strapped without getting bit?" I explained, "I stuffed magazines in his mouth while my crew member tied him up." He looked at me in shock. "You and your friend would make good member of our group, Do you want to team up? I promise you can trust me and my mates here." "No, YOU join MY group, and I know that I can, because if I can't, You and your 'mates' are my guard dogs." He came toward me and asked if they could come in. "Try me, and you are done, ok?" I gave him a sharp look in my eyes. "Got it." He said.

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