Chapter 19

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New Earth- Chapter 19

I found a two story house, It was really nice. It had a pretty garden in the front. I stopped at the driveway, "What do you guys think?" I asked. They all complimented on the house. "I'm gunna check if it's empty. One of you, come with me." I said firmly. Jack got out of the car and joined me. We crept around the house and looked in the windows. There were blankets, pillows, and food cans scattered. "It looks like whoever was here, left in a hurry." I commented. "Yah, lets go in." I opened the garage door as slow and quietly as I can. Then the guys went inside and I pulled the car in the garage. I closed the garage door slowly and then I went inside. "Hey, I found alot of food in the pantry. These people were eating feasts." Jesus said. "Good, did anyone check this place to see if its safe here?" It was silent, the guys looked at eachother. "Okay, well, that's what we are going to do now." I ordered. "Wait, I have a question." Marcus asked. "Okay, ask away." I said. "No disrespect but, how come you are the leader?" He looked at me, then the others did. "Well, I am the starter of this whole group. I let Jesus in the apartment, I could have let him die out there. Then, I allowed you guys to join." I smiled. "And, I am very stealthy, very good with making weapons and using them, and I don't order you guys to do stupid stuff." I said. "Well, that does make sense, and you are a good leader and provider." Marcus admitted. "Then case closed." I smiled. "Now lets go guys, we have to check for roamers or threats. If you find someone or something, you are to tell me. Now lets go."

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