3.34 Like one of your French girls

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Dock. You work here too?" Raiko looks to the man, who raises a brow. 

"I'm not Dock, I'm Xu. Dock's my brother." The man looks to the group of kids, only getting flabbergasted looks back. 

"Wait. What?" Asha shakes her head, making sure she heard right. 

"I thought we just saw you. You're even wearing the same clothes. The only difference is your hat." Aang narrows his eyes in confusion.  

"Dock works on the docks, that why they call him 'Dock', and I work in the shop, that's why they call me 'Xu'." The man explains, confusing the poor kids even further.

It's silent for a few seconds, the group still looking on in confusion. 

"I don't get it." Asha groans, laying her head on Aang's shoulder. She closes her eyes, only to shoot them back open as a sharp pain cracks through her skull the minute her orbs are cut off from the outside world. She stumbles over, Aang quickly catching her before she can fall on her butt. His grey eyes, laced with concern, look over her face, the girl only rubbing one of her temples. 

'You okay?' Aang asks through their connection, the girl only groaning at the burning sensation in her lower back. 

'I'll be fine.'  Asha shakes her head again, but doesn't dare leave Aang's side; not that the boy would've let her. 

"Me neither." Dock ignores the past few seconds, the group looking back to Dock as well. The air benders giving off the impression that it was for the best. "What can I get ya? Hey, I'll give you a special deal. If you buy three fish, I'll throw in a clam for free." 

"We'll just take the fish. Mind telling your brother we need a ride back to shore?" Sokka pushes beyond the revolting feeling that settles in his stomach.  They watch as Dock-  er Xu?- ducks beneath the counter, reappearing with yet again, another hat. 

"Hey, colonials. My brother says you need a lift." Dock walks to his boat with the rest following closely behind. 

Aang walks ahead, Asha shaking the boy off so she could help Katara, who hands her a couple of fish in a basket.

"Can you spare some food?" A boy asks, running up to the two. Asha gives him a sad smile, handing him her portion of wrapped fish. 

"I wish I could do more." Asha crouches next to him, the boy smiling back before running off to a sick woman, most likely the boy's mother.

"Weren't you gonna eat that, Ash?" Katara walks off with the girl, the boat awaiting the two.

"I'm not to hungry. Don't worry about me." Asha gives her a bright smile, boarding the boat.


Asha hastily flips through one of the books she had gotten from the library, Katara sitting across from her, both girls' brows furrowed.  Stopping abruptly, Asha shoves the book under Katara's snout, allowing her to read it. She then looks over to Raiko, the blonde sitting beside the southern girl.  Katara furrows her brows further as she continues reading, looking worried at the new information she was given.

"Asha, were you in the Avatar state when you were fighting Aki?" Katara sounds worried, looking to the nodding girl. 

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, no, no." Katara stands quickly, pacing in front of the two.  "Are you sure this could be happening to you?"  

"I don't know, I mean, since Ba Sing Se I've gotten... Irritable. Battles got ugly way too fast, and though I never went into the Avatar state, I felt like I was loosing control... Not to mention Aang and I got into a fight just days ago. In school I deserted him completely! Nearly left you guys for some stupid social life, then when that didn't work tried to cut you guys out as well, like a social withdrawal." Asha starts gripping at her hair, biting her lip.

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