Authors Note (07/25/19) updated

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So I've started this digital book to translate what I feel are my most inner thoughts and desires.

I hope whoever reads this finds solace within the words and hopefully themselves.

As much as I try I know words will never be able to express existence itself, but I feel like the poems here are experiences themselves within existence.

Each poem is a part of me that desires to be felt fully.

I'm open to ideas so comment anything that may have reminded you of something when you read a poem.

if you happen to read this, thank you.

Love, Jon Noel

And in case you were wondering this is the first poem.

A reminiscence of a spiritual totem

A folding of cosmic realities into one series of thoughts.

A time where words had lost and that time had forgot.

So in the flow of creation I am but a leaf in the wind.

And blissfully bent out shape of a dream inspired friend.

I wonder who's eyes will travel upon these words.

I wonder who's soul I'll touch and who's dreams will be heard.

So no longer will a soul be forever cursed, but it's mantras repeated as it is carried away in a hearse.

And it'll be in the eons to come that maybe I'll die and escape this hell, and that the souls of humanity will escape and rebel.


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