457 19 10

Published 8/27/19

I stood completely unharmed dusting my hands off against each other, looking at the now unconscious villains at my feet. " I gave you an option and you choose wrong" I let out a dissapointed sigh before making my way back to the main entrance.

Aizawa needed help I knew that for sure.

I used my Quirk to make me run as fast as I could towards the main entrance. Defeating villains if I came across any.

I came to a stop as I entered the main area of UPJ I could see that Aizawas head was being held by a giant bird like monster. He was severely injured from what I could tell at this distance.

"LET HIM GO" I growled loudly gaining everyone's attention.

"No you idiot get out of here,find the others" Aizawa said in pain. Trying to get me to get away from the super villains.

" I'm not gonna run away, I never go back on my word, thats my hero way" I stated proudly before rushing towards him.  Using my momentum I slamed into the nomu moving it off my teacher.

The nomu went To punch me but I grabbed it's flying fist before it could touch me.  I then grabbed it's second fist as it went To grab me. 

I was using all my strength to hold back the nomu.  In strength it seemed we were evenly matched.  "I won't let you hurt my teacher anymore" I growled and brought my head back and slammed it into the nomus head making it stagger back.
Before I could launch my second attack.

In mid-step my body became completely Frozen I couldn't move a single muscle. I froze in shock and fear, I recognize this sensation as a body appeared in front of me out of the Shadows. A body that raised me to be what I am today.

"Dad" I whispered in shock as my eyes widen as I saw a familiar Shadow ninja appear in front of me.

"Hey there kid, been some time hahahaha" he Let out a dark crazed chuckle. Tossing his head back

"What?! what the hell are you doing!?" I yelled at him!

He reached his hand up and took off his mask revealing his face. "You see kid, all this time, it's just been an act, this whole hero gig was just an act. I'm actually a villain" he stated with a sadistic smile and look in his eye.

"So, will you join me, my sweet little girl" he asked with his hand out stretched to me.

My jaw was clenched tightly shut. " I'll never join you, I'm going to be a hero." I growled. "*sigh* what a dissapointment, with your quirk you could have the world in the palm of your hand, have anything that you want at your finger tips" the lying basterd stated "WHAT ELSE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING FROM ME" I screamed at him the rage clear in my voice.

I watched as he lifted his hands to his eyes and pulled something out of both of them. I felt my body start to tremble, fear clenching at my heart as well as complete Fury.

The man who I thought of as a father now looked at me with no longer kind gray eyes but with glowing blood red eyes that only held blood lust.

"Yes there is one more thing. He leaned in closer to my face putting a finger underneath my chin lifting it up.

"I'm the one who killed your family" he hissed out loud and clear for everyone to hear.

Typhoon(Oc x Various BNHA Boys)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora