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Published 6/14/19
So All Might told me that I couldn't watch todoroki and bakugou's fight because it would be an "unfair" advantage.

But I could definitely tell when bakugo was fighting because I could hear the explosions and feel the ground shake.

It was my turn to fight.  I was the hero while bakugou and todoroki were the villians.

I was standing outside of the building waiting for my signal to go.

"Alright let's go" I heard All Mights voice exclaimed.

I made my way into the building feeling no concern at all.

These 2 won't use teamwork to fight.  They both have to much pride for that.

As I rounded a corner I decided to use air manipulation to find there locations.

I stopped and closed my eyes.  I took a deep breath in and raised my hands.  My eyes shot open and air exploded out of my hands. 

The air would travel through the entire building creating a mental picture for me in my head.

My eyes narrowed.  Bingo,  I found the location of the bomb and bakugou's and todoroki's location.

The bomb was two floors above me,  todoroki was guarding it.  Bakugou was one floor above me and he was moving quickly.

To be expected he wanted to fight first.

Bakugou would most likely start off with a sneak attack and use his explosions to Enhance his agility.

I started my walk twords the stairs heading up to the next floor. I stopped just as I was about to round a corner.

Bakugou was above me and he was about to attack.

I quickly did a back flip just as bakugou attacked.  The spot I was in was destroyed.

I landed in a crouched position my eyes narrowed  and set on my target.

"You stupid bitch,  you come out of no where and take my number one spot!" Bakugou yelled out raged charging towards me. 

Every time he tried to hit me I would dodge. "Your number one spot?  Don't make me laugh,  the only spot you deserve is at the very end" I told him bordley. 

I then did a flying kick,  hitting bakugou in the face sending him flying into the wall.

"Is that all you got?  I was hoping for more of a fight considering how loud your mouth is" I mocked him.  Pissing him off even more. 

Bakugou shot towards his at a fast speed using his explosions.  I side stepped him.

"Are you even trying?  I Haven't even used my quirk on you yet" I told him turning my back toward him and I started walking down the hall away from him.

"Maybe I should have picked midoriya.  I bet he would have fought much better than you" I mocked him.

I heard a loud growl and a war cry come from bakugou as he charged towards me from behind.


I turned side ways,  my eyes locked on bakugou's red one.  One of His hands were extended towards me.  Just as he was about to hit me.  My hand clasped around bakugou's.

I created a small air sphere around our hands stopping his explosion.  His eyes widen in shock as he tried to pull his hand free.

"The hell! " he exclaimed.  He brought his other hand up and I did the same thing as I did with his other hand.

"to cause an explosion you need air,  take away the air,  you take away the explosion" I stated simply,  pulling my hands away from his.

My eyes stayed locked on his,  his eyes were full of so much hate towards me. 

I took a step back and raised one of my hands.  I made the spheres of air on his hands grow and form one giant sphere around him. Now he was floating in a giant air sphere. 

"Let me the fuck out you stupid bitch" he yelled beyond pissed.  He kept trying to use his quick to no avail.

"You know what,  I'm getting annoyed with that mouth of yours.  I think its time for me to shut you up" I mumbled annoyed.

"You wanna know something bakugou.  I can make you stop breathing with just a snap of my fingers.  You wanna know how?  It's because you are breathing in air" I said my eyes showing a little bit of blood lust.

I stared him in his eyes,  as I controlled the air in his lungs to come out of his body.  His eyes widen in shock as he grabbed at his chest trying to get the air back in his body. 

You could see the air leaving his body.  I wasn't going to kill him,  I was just going to knock him unconscious.

I gently set bakugou to the ground when I knew he was unconscious.  I returned the air to his body making sure there were no serious injuries.

Now it was time for todoroki.

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